Let's make cookies!

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(Option 1!!)

Kokichi POV:

I'll make Shuichi cookies! He loves those! But the problem is, I'm chained to the bed. I try getting them off but to no use. Suddenly, my foot slipped out when I put it in a certain angle. Cool. Cool, cool. I walk to the kitchen and get some supplies for making cookies. I watched Kirumi make cookies a bunch of times! I know how to make them! 

"This is gonna be a piece of cake!" I said. 

*two hours later*

I messed up. Like really messed up. I got the cookies done without burning them but... the kitchen is a mess. And I need a change of cloths. I eye the closet and go open it. I see Shumai's cloths and a couple of boxes labeled 'Kokichi'. I figured he brought me my cloths. I opened the box. I was wrong. It was filled with maid dresses. What should I wear? What would make Shumai happy?


1) Kokichi wears a maid outfit

2) Kokichi wears Shuichi's cloths 

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now