Starting to develop Stockholm Syndrome

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(Option 1!!)

Kokichi POV:

I woke up back on the bed. I tried getting up only to see I had a chain on my leg, connecting to the bed. I cursed. I should have kicked him in the balls twice! I try taking off the the chain but it was no use. I sighed and lied down, closing my eyes. What's wrong with Shuichi? What's going through is head? Is he really just trying to keep me safe? I felt my chest pound a bit. What's wrong with me? Did he drug me? Shuichi walked in with a smile on his face.

"Kokichi! Your awake!" he said happily. I gave him a small smile. I guess this isn't so bad.... but I still wanna get out of here.

Shuichi POV:

Kokichi gave me a small smile! This is great! Maybe I should do something special for him!


1) Shuichi sets up a romantic date

2) Shuichi sets up a pillow fort and they have a movie night 

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now