Don't send him to jail!

825 21 17

(Option 1!!)

Kokichi POV:

I can't send Shumai to this 'horny jail'! 

"Stop! Please don't send him to this jail!" I shout. The KPS turn towards me with frowns.

"Are you sure? Can you protect yourself?" one asks. 

"Of course! Shumai wouldn't touch me without my permission!" I state confidently. 

"Alright..." they say dejectedly. They go away, shutting the door behind them. Shumai hugs me.

"Thanks for saving me, 'Kichi~!" he says happily. I smile and laugh as he tickles me. 

"O-oh my lord! Hahah- stop!" I keep on laughing. He continues to tickle me and then...


1) She hits him on the head to make him stop

2) She gets the hiccups from laughing to hard

3) She squeeze's him to try and make him stop 

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now