His cloths

843 18 12

(Option 2!!)

Kokichi POV:

I grab his cloths and put them on. They were a little big but they were comfortable. I turned to the messed up kitchen. I have to hurry and clean it- Shuichi walked in.

"Heyo Ko-" he sees me out of my chain and the messed up kitchen.

"H-hey Shumai!" I say nervously. We walks to the kitchen, with  me following behind. 

"Did you make this mess?" he asked.

"U-uh.. yeah... I tried making cookies." I admitted. He turns toward me with a smile. 


1) Shuichi is happy Kokichi tried making something for him

2) Shuichi is angry about the mess

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now