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Shuichi POV:

"Ok. Stop playing this joke. It's not funny." I say. 

"They aren't. What's with this whole 'beloved' thing?" Kokichi asked me. I felt like my world shatter. My boyfriend doesn't know what's going on.  I grab him by the shoulders.

"You really forgot about me?!" I ask him, tears forming in my eyes. 

"Ever since we started this killing game nobody remembers everything." He says with a strait face. I started drooling

"Killing game?" I ask. He looked at me like I was a creep. 

"Uh, yeah." He says. Monokuma giggles and everyone turns to him.

"I'm not done yet." Monokuma says. Not done yet?

"Aw come on!" Everyone except me and Kokichi groan. Kokichi looked rather excited..

"Don't worry. I chose Kokichi for this one!" He says. I clutch Kokichi to my chest. 

"What are you gonna do?!" I shout at him. I saw others roll their eyes.

"Who cares what happens to him? He's just an annoying pest anyway." Miu says. I glare at her. 

"Come on up to this box Kokichi!" Monokuma shouts. Kokichi rolls his eyes and walks up. Everyone started looking happy and some snickered. Kokichi got into the box.

"Fuck you guys!" He snarled before Monokuma shut the box and a flash of light blinded us all. A person stepped out.

 A person stepped out

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A girl that looked like.... "KOKICHI?!" Everyone shouted. He? She? Giggled.

"Yep that's me!" Kokichi winked and did the piece sign. I got a nosebleed. I started to question my sexuality. Does this still make me gay or does this make me bi? This is gonna be one weird day.....

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now