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(Option 2!!!)

Shuichi POV:

I woke up to my cuddling with Kokichi. Her face was in my chest, her arms wrapped around me, and my leg in-between hers.  I blushed. I slowly got up, attempting not to wake this cute angel. I got my camera and started taking pictures of Kokichi. Once I felt like I took enough, I put my camera away and started making pancakes. I heard a groan and turned, seeing Kokichi wake up. Kokichi got up and sluggishly walked towards me. 

"Morning..." she yawned. 

"Morning." I smiled. I finished making pancakes and set them on the table. Me and Kokichi sat in front of one another. I started eating my pancake until I see Kokichi faceplant into her food. I quickly got up and got her face out of her food. She was knocked out. I sighed and carried her to the bed. I shortened the chain again, so I didn't forget to, and kissed her forehead before putting the blanket on her. 


1) Shuichi goes to help Tsumugi

2) Tsumugi fakes death and goes to Shuichi to get help planning

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now