Stay with me... FOREVER

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(Majority vote says option number 1!)

Shuichi POV:

Kokichi gets me off of her and heads to the door, I grab her hand.

"Where are you going?" I ask her. I don't want he to leave! She sighs.

"I'm heading to my dorm." She says in response.

"You can't leave..." I said. She turns her head towards me.

"Yes, yes I can. I may be your girlfriend but I am my own person." She says. I grit my teeth. I CANT let her leave! What if she doesn't come back to me? What if someone kills her? 

"I'm sorry..." I whisper in her ear. She opens her mouth to ask me something before I use her scarf and cover her nose and mouth with it. She struggles for a minuet before she falls limp in my arms. I check her breath. It was normal. I sigh in relief. This is how it's supposed to be.


1) He chains her to the bed so she can't leave

2) He just sleeps with her

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now