My little stuffed animal

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Kokichi POV:

What does Shuichi~Chan mean by 'Maybe we can be lovers again'? Were we lovers before? Well, that's what he's telling me. 

"I-I don't know Shuichi~Chan. I only remember what you do in this game. I just loved teasing you...." I told him. I lied when I said I only loved teasing him. He seemed really sad about that. He sighs.

"But I promise you, we were lovers. Please come back to me..."He says. I kinda felt bad. He seems so lonely....

"....Fine." I sigh in defeat. He gives me a kiss.

"I'll never let you go, my little stuffed animal..." He whispered. Stuffed animal? Now he's just being weird.


1) Kokichi will get up and leave but Saihara wants her to stay so he forcibly makes her stay

2) Kokichi asks to leave because of the time and Saihara lets her

3) Kokichi falls asleep and they cuddle

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now