" This is ridiculous! How many dwarves are there?" A male voice sounded from the opposite side of the door. The small house sat under a hill with a round green door. The lights were on and the sound of laughing and chatting could be heard inside. The door opened to reveal a small hobbit with an annoyed expression on his face.
" H-hello? How can I help you?" The hobbit asked his guest.
" Ah, so you came after all. Very good very good. Now, Bilbo, I would like to meet Amanda also known as the shadow. She is a ranger from the north." Gandalf said as Bilbo bowed slightly to her. Her brown eyes watching him ever so closely.
" Are Rangers not meant to be... Tall?" Bilbo asked Gandalf still in some awe.
" I am a half breed, my mother was a dwarf while my father was an elf. The Rangers of the North took me as their own when I was abandoned and trained me." Amanda said as she walked into the house that was small to Gandalf but normal-sized to Amanda. Amanda took off her quiver of arrows that had red feathers and black shaft. She placed it and her bow against a wall and untied her deep green cloak. She hung it up on a coat stand and rested her hand on the hilt of her sword. She wore a forest green shirt with a thick brown leather belt that covered her stomach. And brown tight trousers that changed into a set of riding boots with lace. Around the neck of her shirt was a thick leather collar and on her arms were leather arm guards. On her legs, there were four daggers on each strapped closely to her upper thigh. A single long sword was attached to her left side into the sheath.
" Well come and meet the rest of the company," Gandalf said as he leads Amanda through, her brown eyes taking in every detail of the hobbit hole. Her long deep brown hair held back in braids as it fell down in soft waves.
" Everyone this is Amanda also know as Shadow. She is here to help us on our quest." Gandalf introduces her as she rounded the corner to see a table full of dwarves sitting staring at her.
" We cannot allow a female to join us! She will only slow us down!" A large dwarf that was half bald spoke out.
" She will not slow us down, Dwalin. She is a ranger from the north and has a lot of experience in fighting." Gandalf defended Amanda as she looked around at all of the dwarves.
" A female cannot be a ranger! It is unheard of!" Black haired young dwarves said. He was different from the others he has little stubble for a beard and deep brown almost black eyes. Everyone began laughing at his remark, but the laughing stopped when a dagger flew past the young ones face. Missing only by a hair and embedding itself into the wall behind him everyone looked at Amanda who looked furious.
" Just because my set of the balls is located higher than yours, does not mean that I cannot defend myself." Everyone was silent as they looked to the female who could have killed the young dwarf easily if she had wanted to.
" I like her already!" On called out happily, he wore a hat that seemed to defy gravity. Everyone quickly burst out into laughter again as Amanda looked at Gandalf. The wizard introduced them all to her quickly and she learned the one she threw the dagger at was named Kili, the one next to him was Fili. There was a spare seat in between them that she could take.
" Sorry, about earlier. Just, I don't like being called weak." Amanda said as she sat down next to Kili. They looked at each other and smiled.
" No, no. I should be apologising. My mother always told me to never underestimate a woman's strength, especially if they have weapons on them." Kili smiled softly as they chuckled.
" Your mother sounds wise," Amanda said as his brother Fili walked along the top of the table.
"Who wants an ale? There you go." Fili said handed Amanda a tanker of ale. Amanda nodded in thanks and smiled at Kili's face.
" What?" Amanda asked him as he stared at her.
" You drink?" He asked Amanda chuckled and took a sip of the ale with a nod.
" Yes, I do and I am very good at it. No man has been able to out drink me yet?" Amanda said taking another drink. Kili laughed in amazement.
" I have never heard of such!" Kili laughed patting Amanda's back.
" You will fit right in!" He said happily with his hand on her closest shoulder.
" On the count of three!" Someone yelled out as we looked around.
" One, two, three!" They yelled again and then everyone downed their ale quickly. The dwarves downed them but the liquid dripped down their beards, although Amanda managed to not spill any of it. Everyone smashed their empty tankards onto the table and released bleches. Everyone had fun and moved around the house talking and just being Dwarves. Four Dwarves began to clash the cutlery together in tune.
"And can-can you not do that? You'll blunt them!" Bilbo yelled out telling them to stop.
"Ooh, d'hear that, lads? He says we'll blunt the knives." Bofur called as Amanda laughed. Then Kili began singing followed by the others
"Blunt the knives, bend the forks
Smash the bottles and burn the corks
Chip the glasses and crack the plates
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!
Cut the cloth and tread on the fat
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat
Pour the milk on the pantry floor
Splash the wine on every door
Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl
Pound them up with a thumping pole
When you've finished, if any are whole
Send them down the hall to roll
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!" They all laughed looking at Bilbo expression as they had cleaned up their mess. Amanda stood up and walked into a seat that was in a corner. She decided she needed a few minutes alone, away from the loud crowd of dwarves. She pulled her sword front its sheath and began to polish the silver blade. A well-kept sword is just as important as taking care of yourself.

The Half Breed Ranger
FanficAmanda, a Ranger of the North was asked by Gandalf to join a quest to reclaim the lonely mountain from a Dragon. At first, Thorin was sceptical about her joining their quest. But along the way she proves her worth and loyalty. But it wasn't long bef...