Chapter 35: Death Comes

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"Kili," Amanda called as his eyes began to close, she was scared. She didn't want to lose him. She loved him way too much. 

" Kili, Kili, please. Come on, please." Amanda said as tears formed in her eyes. She rocked back and forth gently as a single tear fell and lands on his cheek.

" Kili, Please wake up." She whispered to him. 

"Amanda?" He choked out softly as his eyes opened too softly. Amanda's eyes snapped to his. they fluttered open to look up at her. 

" Kili." She whispered to him with a smile.

" I'm sorry." He whispered weakly to her.

"Hush it's alright. You're going to be just fine." Amanda hummed to him as he gave her a soft smile and chuckle. She moved her hand to his wound on his stomach to try and stem the bleeding.

" No, not this time," Kili whispered to her softly causing fear to rip at Amanda's heart.

" No, You can't." Amanda cried to him as she moved her hand from his stomach up to hold his cheek, covering it in fresh blood.

" I love you. So much." Kili muttered as his eyes slowly closed and a sigh escaped his lips.

" Kili. Kili no. Don't go!" Amanda cried as she turned and pulled her bag up and opened it. She rummaged through it quickly and pulled out some bottles. She held a dark blue bottle and opened it.

" Kili drink it." She told him as she poured it into his mouth only to have it fall out the corner. She throws the glass bottle down and went back into her bag. She grabbed a bottle and pulled it out slowly. Inside the glass was three round shaped diamond-like objects.

" Phoenix tears of course." She whispered as she blinked a few times. She reached back into her bag and pulled out a spare glass bottle. She opened it up and placed one phoenix tear into it. She then moved the bottle to just under her eye and blinked to allow a tear to fall into the bottle. It rolled down the side of the glass and once it reached the phoenix tear, a bright flash of white shone from phoenix tear. It then began to melt to form a clear liquid at the bottom of the bottle. She looked at it before sighing shakily and moving it to her lips. She tipped the liquid into her mouth and place her lips onto Kili's. Kissing him she released the tear into Kili's mouth. She pulled away and looked at his wound, it slowly began to heal.

" Thorin, Fili." She muttered standing up and rushing over to them. She quickly did the same to them as she did with Kili in hopes that it wasn't too late for them. Once done she stood up and walked over to Kili side once more. She bent down and kissed his forehead lightly as his breathing picked up to a healthier rate. Amanda smiled knowing that phoenix tear was working.

"I love you so much." She whispered before standing to her feet. She slowly walked over to the edge of the waterfall and looked out over the battlefield below, littered with the bodies of orcs, elves, dwarves and men. Pain hit her hard from her stomach her right side and her right shoulder, she hissed and moved her hand to her shoulder. Pulling her hand back she saw blood on her fingertips. She sighed gently and looked out over the raising sun that continued to light up the sky in all shades of purple, pink and blue.

" Sunrises really are beautiful." She whispered as she lifted her elven sword above her head. She yelled in pain before driving the metal downwards, slicing through the air. She drove the blade into the ground as she sank to her knees, breathing heavily through the pain. She held to the sword for her balance as she took off her medicine bag. Before placed it onto the ground and moved it next to the sword.

"I am sorry Kili. I know I made you a promise to never use them. But I cannot let you or your kin die." She whispered as she looked to the mountain and fell onto her side. She kept her eyes on the mountain in all its glory.

" You have reclaimed what was taken and now you can live in peace." She whispered as she closed her eyes.

" Kili." She whispered as she sank into darkness. "I love you"


Kili groaned as he scrunched his eyes open, the bright sky was painful against his eyes. The sky was still bursting with colours from the sunrise. Kili placed a hand on his head and slowly stand up slouching over.

"I thought I died?" Kili asked as he heard more groans next to him.

"Kili? Uncle? What happened?" Fili asked with a raspy voice.

" You, we. We were killed by Azog? How?" Kili asked amazed while feeling his body for injuries; finding none.

" Not how... Who." Thorin corrected his nephew as he looked towards the waterfall. Fili and Kili followed his gaze and saw a sword stick up vertically from the ice at the edge of the waterfall. A bag propped up against the metal blade. Kili slowly stood to his feet and walked over to the blade. Thorin and Fili stood up and watched Kili approached the sword.

" It cannot be. No." Kili whispered quietly as he fell to his knees in front of the sword. Thorin and Fili walked up behind him and placed a hand onto each of his shoulders.

" How?" Fili asked confused as the wind picked up gently. They looked over the littered battlefield and to the mountain. Kili reached forward and pulled her brown bag; opening it to rack through. His shoulders slumped and tears fell as he looked up to the sword.

" She said she wouldn't." Kili sobbed quietly to his family. "She swore she wouldn't use them."

"What did she do?" Thorin asked.

" She used the phoenix tears." Kili sobbed as Fili and Thorin looked at him confused.

" The Phoenix Tears allow one person to take on the wounds of another. She used all three and took each one of our wounds on herself. Thus saving our life's and sacrificing her own." He cried out. Kili buried his head into her hands before yelling out at the top of his voice in anger and frustration. He was the one that was supposed to die, not her. She was the love of his life. She is the love of his life. And now all that's left of her is her sword and her bag.

"Kili," Thorin spoke as he placed a hand onto his shoulder. Just then the rest of the company appeared around them. Seeing that Amanda's sword was there but she was not. Broke their hearts. Kili mourned over her death, while the company could only look on. 

"Amanda!" Legolas called as he jumped down onto the frozen river. looking for his sister. Balin stepped in front of him and looked up with a sad look. 

"I'm truly sorry, Legolas," Balin told him as Legolas looked to where her sword was and sank to his knees. 

"No, I failed. I failed to protect my sister." Legolas muttered as a tear fell from his eye. Balin simply placed a hand onto his shoulder as tear brimmed his eyes too. 

"I'm so sorry laddie," Balin muttered to him.

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