Chapter 4: Cliff top

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Amanda stood on the edge of the cliff they had camped on. She was around a bend so the rest of the company were not able to see her as she watched the sun set. The sky burst into colours of orange, pink and purple.

" The sky is amazing at this time." Kili's voice sounded behind her, Amanda turned to look at Kili and smiled as he walked up to her right side.

" It is." Amanda spoke quietly to him as they watched the sun set. Kili turned his focus to her as the golden light shone upon her. Amanda seemingly glowed in the light. Her smile was delicate and graceful as her eyes watched the colourful sky. She was beautiful in the golden rays.

" Amanda..." Kili spoke softly to her unconscious he had done so. Amanda tuned her head to look at him as a small gust of wind brushed through her hair, lifting the brown strands up and over her face slightly. Kili turned and lifted his hand to move her hair away. He tucked it behind her ear. Their eyes locked and the world disappeared from around them. The gentle breeze slowed down as they looked into each other's eyes. Kili slowly began to lean closer to Amanda and she done the same. Kili's hand had moved to hold the side of her head as he was now inches away from her. His eyes fell to her lips and back up as if asking permission. He slowly leaned in ready to place his lips upon hers. Amanda could feel his warm breath upon her lips. Amanda parted her lips ready for his as he done the same.

" Amanda! Kili! Food!" Bofur called out causing them to snap out of their trance. Amanda stepped back and looked down. She did not say a word and Kili's hand fell back to his side.

" I- we...." Amanda said with a deep breath and turned around walking away from Kili. Kili stood there thinking over what had just happened. He had nearly kissed Amanda. Did he really see her like that? Did he want to kiss her? Or was that just a moment that will never amount to anything? He asked himself as he sighed heavily. His heart was beating so fast and and his head was spinning. He was in love with a ranger. There was no doubt in his mind.

" Thank you." Amanda said as she took a bowl from Bofur and look at the contents. Sure it did not look that appetising but she has most definitely had worse. She sat over on a rock and finished her meal. She watched as Kili walked back and took his bowl. Once she was finished she put the bowl to the side and leant back against the wall. She sighed and closed her eyes drifting off into a sleep. Amanda jerked awake when she heard the scream of an orc not too far away.

"What was that?" Bilbo asked with fear in his voice. Amanda sighed and moved realising there was a cloak around her. She realised it was Kili's and looked around to find him.

" You were cold." He mouth from the other side of the cave. Amanda smiled in thanks.

"Orcs." Kili answered Bilbo, another scream echoed through the air. Pulling Thorin from his sleep.

"Orcs?" Bilbo asked stunned. Amanda nodded grimly to him.

"Throat-cutters. There'll be dozens of them out there. The lowlands are crawling with them." Fili said to him as Amanda shot him a glare.

" Fili." She warned him to shut up. Which he did.

"They strike in the wee small hours, when everyone's asleep. Quick and quiet; no screams, just lots of blood." Kili said as he looked to his brother and chuckled. Amanda stood up and looked to them.

"You think that's funny? You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?" Thorin growled to them as he stood up.

"We didn't mean anything by it." Kili said apologetically.

"No, you didn't. You know nothing of the world." Thorin growled to them as he turned around.

"Don't mind him, laddie. Thorin has more cause than most to hate orcs. After the dragon took the Lonely Mountain, King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient dwarf kingdom of Moria. But our enemy had got there first." Balin began the story of how Thorin sliced Azogs hand off while they fought. Amanda growled and sighed.

"Thorin is not the only one to have been victim to the pale orcs actions." Amanda growled remembering her past. Everyone looked to her wanting to know as did Thorin.

" It happened three years ago. My mentor and I were disposing of a group of orcs. What we never counted on was Azog being there." She began to tell them.


Amanda sliced the last Orc of the pack, killing it instantly. It fell to the floor with a gurgle and Amanda panted hard. She looked to her mentor who looked fine. He was not panting like crazy like she was. He looked to her throw his blue eyes as he nodded to her. His dark dirty blond hair fell to his shoulders in need of a good wash and brush.

" That was easier than expected." Amanda muttered as she panted. She sheathed her elven blade after whipping it over a dead orc too rid it of the blood.

" It would seem we are not finished yet." Her mentor said as he watched a white warg step up on a rock with Azog upon it. Amanda turned around and looked at him.

" Azog..." Amanda muttered as she back up to stand next to her mentor.

" What do we do?" Amanda asked with slight fear in her voice. She pulled her sword out again and held it in front of her. Amanda looked to her mentor when he gripped her shoulder tightly.

" This foe is beyond us. Run!" He called as they turned and ran. Azog followed quickly behind them catching up easily. The white Warg knocked them over and they rolled several times before bouncing up onto their feet. They held their sword in front of them as Azog and a few other orcs surrounded them. Amanda's mentor held her close to him as they were circled.

" Two rangers. Well one and a half." Azog growled to them in the black tongue.

" What is he saying?" Amanda growled to her mentor. Amanda could feel that it was an insult to her.

" Nothing. Hold your ground. Do not show them fear." Her mentor instructed her. Amanda nodded and watched as the orcs surrounded them.

*End of flashback*

" We were captured and tortured for information." Amanda said cringeing at the memories.

" Azog seemed to develop a... Happiness in torturing me." Amanda said as she shed her cloak and lifted her shirt to she her back to them. Everyone stared and gasp as Dwalin turned his head unable to look. Kili stood up and walked over to her lifting his hands and tracing his fingers over one of the many scars. He sighed shaking his head angrily and reached up pulling her shirt from her hands. He pulled it down to cover her.

 " It lasted for almost a month. Until Rangers broke us out. I was in Rivendell healing for four months." Amanda said not turning around to face them. She couldn't, not when she was crying. Silent tears feel from her eyes as she relived every moment of her torture in her mind.

" I swore that I would kill Azog with my own hands the next I see him. But it seems There is a line." Amanda laughed looking down to the ground. There was silence around the place.

" What about your mentor?" Bilbo asked her.

" He um. I tell everyone he was fine and he is still a ranger. But I guess I am only trying to foul myself." Amanda said looking down to the ground and then up to the sky again.

" He- He was wounded and can never fight again. Azog took his arm." Amanda said as she sighed trying to compose herself.

" I still blame myself." Amanda cried softly as she took in a deep breath and sighed.

" I am going for a walk." Amanda said shaking her head and walking away. Thorin walked over to Kili and looked at her.

" Kili, go with her." Thorin said to him, not wanting her to wonder around on her own. Not with orcs roaming around close to the. Kili nodded and went after her. They stopped where they had almost shared a kiss. Amanda was sitting on a rock with her knees to her chest, soft whimpers filled Kili's ears as he walked over to her. He sat down next to her and pulled her into an embrace.

" You do not have to be strong all the time. You can let it out, i won't tell anyone." Kili told her as Amanda broke and cried into Kili's chest until she fell into a restless sleep.

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