Chapter 11: Misty Mountains

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" Everyone here?" Thorin asked quietly as they all surrounded him. They were leaving Rivendell without the knowladge of the elve, who would most likely stop them. Amanda back had almost healed complete thanks to the elvish medicine and treatment they had given her. But their would be more scars add on her; not that she cared.

" Lets move." Thorin ordered and lead the company over the bridge and through Rivendell.

"Be on your guard; we're about to step over the edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths; lead on." Thorin ordered as Balin looked to him shaking his head.

"Aye I do, but you forget. We have a Ranger who knows the lands better." Balin said ushering Amanda forward and led the company immediatly. Amanda saw Bilbo turned back and face Rivendell. Amanda knew he longed for the comfort that the elves offered.

"Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up." Thorin called to him and he turned to continued the journey. Amanda lead them through the wild and over fields leading to the misty mountains. Storm clouds began to grow a head of them as they cross over the smallest of the mountains before the high pass.

" We should stop and rest of the night!" Amanda called to Thorin as the wind gradully picked up its speed.

" No! We do not have enough time!" Thorin said behind her as they looked to each other.

" A storm is brew in the sky Thorin, the high pass is dangerous as it is!" Amanda told him but he shook his head.

" Durin's day is almost upon us." Thorin said.

" It is not safe to go through there Thorin. Not only the storm but this is goblin territory! Please listen to me. I have proved your decision wrong before. Please do not let that happen again." Amanda begged him, but his eyes never lie. She was never going to convince him not to go through.

" You lead us or I do." Thorin growled to her. Amanda sighed and turned around walking on. The path began to thin out as the a cliff lay on one side while a sheer drop on the other. They walked in single file with Amanda leading them still. Then the skys open and the rain pelted against them. Amanda lifted her hood up as Thorin turned and faced them all.

" Be careful! The surface is slippy!" He yelled back just as Bilbo slipped and was caught by Dwalin. Amanda looked back and squeezed past some of the company and back to Bilbo. She looked to him with a smile.

" You alright?" She asked him as she held his shirt on either side of his shoulders. Bilbo nodded in return and Amanda patted his shoulder pushing him forward to go on.

"We must find shelter!" Amanda called out to Thorin who nodded and finally agreed with her.

"Watch out!" Dwalin as a bolder flew into the cliff above the company. Amanda want to grabbed Bilbo as the rocks shattered and poured over the company. But before she could reach him, she herself was pulled into the cliff face and shielded by a body. The warm tingle feeling the came from that parts that touch him gave Amanda his identity. For only was person could give them to her.

" Kili." She whispered as she felt him chuckled over her as he used his body to shield her.

"This is no thunderstorm; it's a thunder battle! Look!" Balin called as Amanda pushed Kili away from her. They looked up and true to his words, two stone Giants fought above them.

"Well bless me, the legends are true. Giants; Stone Giants!" Bofur said amazing as he stood up looking. Amanda reached over and pulled him down.

"Take cover: you'll fall!" She called to him with a growl. He looked to her with a look that said sorry.

"What's happening?" Kili asked as he looked around. The Giants above them fought heat butting and punching each other. Amanda then noticed the path under them braking a part between Kili and Fili. Amanda panicked and her protective side kicked in as she pushed Kili into Fili.

"Kili! What? Ki..." Fili said stunned his brother was launched into him.

" Amanda?" Kili cried as the gap widened. Amanda noticed it was a giant's knee they were now on. The giant move about fighting while the other half of the company on Kili and Fili's half managed to get to safety, Amanda's half did not. One of the Giant was hit and fell. The knee that Amanda was on twisted and was now heading straight from the cliff face. It smashed into the cliff as the other half of the company watched on, unable to do anything.

"No! No! Amanda!" Kili yelled as Thorin lead them around the corner and saw them laying in a pile groaning. Kili saw Amanda sitting up and smiled. He ran over, instantly pulling her into a hug.

" Thank Durin." He whispered as he hugged her.

"We're all right! We're alive!" Balin reassured them as they all stood back up.

"Where's Bilbo? Where's the Hobbit?" Bofur called as they looked around. Amanda searched for him and saw his hands gripping onto the side of the cliff.

"There!" Amanda cried as they all rushed to held him. Oin tried to grab him but he was too far down.

"Get him!" Dwalin called as everyone tried to help. But Bilbo slipped again thankfully not too far before he grabbed in to a slip in the surface. Amanda pushed out of Kili's grip and swung herself over the edge. She grabbed a hold of Bilbo and lifted him up high enough for the others to grab him. He was pulled to safety but the part Amanda held onto broke and she fell only to be caught by Kili. Kili tried to pull her up but it was too slippy for him. Amanda looked down and then back up to Kili.

" Amanda! Don't let go!" Kili cried as he tried to lifted her, only to slid again. He was caught by several dwarves behind him. Amanda looked to Kili with a sorrowful look.

" No! Amanda please. I need you." Kili begged her. Amanda looked to him and found a new strength in her as Thorin reach down as well. Amanda took his hand with her free on and they all pulled her up easily this time. As soon as she was up Kili pulled her into him panting and hugging her tightly.

"Don't scare me like that." He growled lowly in her ear.

"I thought we'd lost our burglar." Dwalin said from behind her.

"He's been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us. Dwalin!" Thorin growled as Dwalin and Thorin disappear into a crack. Amanda turned and looked to Bilbo.

"Are you alright? You are not hurt are you?" Amanda asked him as he shook his head.

" I am fine. What about you?" Bilbo asked worried. Amanda chuckled and hugged the hobbit.

" Never mind me." Amanda said pushing him into the cave that Thorin had said was clear.

"Right then! Let's get a fire started." Goin said rubbing his hands after he dropped a pile of wood on the ground,

"No, No fires, not in this place. Get some sleep. We start at first light." Thorin told him as Amanda went and sat down at the back of the cave. She curled her cloak around her for warmth as her wet clothes sapped what ever she had out of her.

"We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us. That was the plan." Balin said to Thorin as Kili walked over to Amanda and sat down next to her.

"Plans change. Bofur, take the first watch." Thorin growled as everyone began to bed down for the night. Kili noticed Amanda's slight shivering and pulled her into his side. Amanda twisted and hugged into him as he threw his cloak over them both. Amanda quickly drifted off into a calm sleep within his arms,

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