Chapter 27: The Truth

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*I'm sorry, I've not been feeling like writing for a long time but recently the urge has come back!*

" Fili! Watch Amanda!" A voice yelled but sounded so distant in Amanda's ears. There sounded like screaming and yelling in the background, accompanied by banging and scraping of metal. Amanda forced her mind to try and make some part of her move.

" FILI!" A voice yelled louder, Amanda recognised it to belong to Kili. This only made her want to see him more, Amanda struggled to push her eyes open.

" NO!" Kili yelled just as Amanda's eyes burst open and focused on an orc blade just inches away from her heart. With as much effort as she could, she rolled over and off whatever she was laying on and landed on the floor as the blade connected with where she once lay. Amanda groaned in pain as she landed on the ground against her wound. Her vision blurred for a moment before She gained it back in just enough time to see a pissed-off looking orc now moving to strike her. With what energy she could muster and blocked the knife with her forearm. The Orc pushed down hard as she struggled to keep the blade from falling those last few centimetres to her neck. Just as her strength began to fail and the point of the cold metal slowly dipped closer to her skin, the Orc was sent flying off her and landed with a grunt before crying in pain as Fili drove a knife through its heart. Amanda huffed out of breath before Kili rushed and slipped onto his knees next to her.

"Amanda, Are you alright?" He asked with a panicked look spread over his features.

"I'm... Fine." She spoke breathlessly before turning to see Kili standing over her as well as Oin, Legolas and Bard's children. They all breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ushered Amanda to her feet. She leaned on Kili as they stood to their feet, her eyes found Legolas at the back of the room walking forward with a grateful smile on his lips.

" Gwethil, thank heaven you're alright." He said before taking her into his embrace tightly. "Do not scare me like that again. As soon as I heard I came as quick as I could." 

" I'm sorry. How did you know where I was?" She hugged him back just as tight, or at least what her strength could allow.

" We arrived in Laketown and ended up fighting against a few Orc's one of which told me about Kili and yourself. Tauriel healed Kili, while I healed you." Legolas informed her. Amanda nodded her head and smiled at him before turning to look at the confused faces of Oin, Fili, Kili and Bofur. She sighed and look at Legolas once more.

" I have to tell them." She told him as she turned her gaze back to Kili. Whose face was still pale from the poison. But a dark gaze had no feel over his eyes. He was clearly thinking she was about to confess her love for the elven prince.

" But they will shun you," Legolas said worried she will lose her friends.

"Better they know the truth." She said as she continued to stare at Kili.

" I have not been fully honest with you. Yes, I'm a half breed. Yes, I was abandoned and taken in by a ranger."

" Then what? What could you have possibly lied about? Are you engaged to the Prince?" Kili asked in a deep-toned awaiting the words.

" No, nothing like that," Amanda said quietly as she took in a deep breath and prepared herself to reveal her full name for the first time in many many years.

"As you know, I am half Dwarf and half-Elf. My mother was a lowly Dwarf. My Father a noble Elf, by title." She told them. " My name is Amanda Greenleaf, sister of Legolas, Daughter of Thranduil, Princess of the Woodland Realm."

" You mean you are related to that King," Fili asked while Kili kept quiet.

" Careful," Legolas warned him as Amanda put her hand up to keep them all quiet.

" Yes, But believe me, I do not see him as my father. For when my mother passed away. I was left under his care. He was disgusted by me, the half breed mistake. And so, one day he took me on a ride with him and two guards. We stopped in a field next to a river to have a drink. My father placed me on the ground first." Amanda said as she looks to the ground, she hasn't even told Legolas what happened the day she was abandoned. 

" I remember him looking down at me with disgust and hate. He said, 'I will not have a creature likes you taint the halls of my home. You are a half breed, tainted. You belong nowhere in this world.' And then he left me. By the river, to fend for myself with nothing by the clothes on my back." Amanda said as she stood up. Just as she was about to continue a loud roar shook the town and everything fell silent. 

"What was that?" Tilda asked as she hugged her sister tightly. Fear was seen in her whole body.

"Oh no," Amanda whispered under her breath and she reached for her bag and sword.

" We need to leave now!" She exclaimed to them all as she strapped everything to her still recovering body.

" What? Why?" Kili asked confused.

"It's begun, the prophecy. They have awoken the Dragon." Amanda told him as she pulled her sword from its sheath. 

" Smaug is coming."

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