Chapter 18: The Lord Of Silver Fountains

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Unfortunately with their only being fourteen ponies and a horse available to the company. Amanda took up to sharing with Kili, She being the front and center of the pony; reason being she knows the lands better than most.

" Amanda! Lead the way." Thorin called to her as she helped Kili onto the back of the saddle. His arms snaked around her waist holding tightly as he buried his face into the crook of her neck.

" Fast and dangerous or slow and safe?" Amanda smiled to Thorin as she pushed past him, quickly followed by the rest of the company. Amanda lead the company through the forests and over fields full of withering flowers. It took a days hard ride to arrived at the forest gates of Mirkwood. Amanda pulled to a stop and looked upon the old gate which was not the same as it was once.

" Amanda? Whats wrong?" Kili asked when he felt her muscles tense under his arms. Amanda pushed her pony over to Gandalf and looked to him.

" Gandalf. Their has to be another way then Mirkwood." Amanda said with a stiff back and expression.

" I'm afraid not." Gandalf whispered sending her a sorrow-fulled look as they all began to dismounted.

"The Elven Gate. Here lies our path through Mirkwood." Gandalf called turning around and looking to the company as everyone was now dismounted and began to unpack the ponies.

"No sign of the Orcs. We have luck on our side." Dwalin called looking around to see if the Orcs had gained on them. Amanda fixed her sword and quiver before taking her bow from the saddle. Kili had noticed her new found tension since they had arrived at the gate of Mirkwood, but she was not letting him in as to why she held such tension.

"Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master." Gandalf called as they released the ponies one by one.

"This forest feels sick, as if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?" Bilbo asked also feeling the tenson that Amanda could feel. Just for a completely different reason.

"Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance...south." Gandalf informed in as Gandalf walked into the gate searching around. It was not long after that he came storming out from the forest.

"Not my horse, I need it!" Gandalf yelled to them as he rushed over to Thorin.

"You're not leaving us?" Bilbo asked with a fear in his voice as Gandalf turned to him with a sad expression.

"I would not do this unless I had to." Gandalf told him with a sigh. He and Bilbo jumped into a small courage boosting conversation before Gandalf turned to Thorin.

" No matter what happens, do not let the elves near Amanda." Gandalf warned him.

" Why?" Thorin growled to the old wizard.

" She is a half breed and in their eyes a threat. She has been here before and she barely escaped with her life. Only horrid memories fill her of this place, so unless you wish to loose her again stay on the path. The forest will take her mind if you do not." Gandalf warned him as Thorin turned his gaze to Amanda who looked upon the elven gates. Her posture was stiff and ready to fight at any given moment. She tried to hid her fear, but Thorin could see it echoed within her features easily.

" You have my word. She will be safe." Thorin told him as Gandalf nodded and rushed over to his horse.

"No matter what may come, stay on the path!" Gandalf called to the as he pushed his horse away from them. Thorin turned and walked over to the elven gate.

"Come on, we must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's Day. Let's go, we've but one chance to find the hidden door." Throin called leading the group into the elven forest, Amanda watched as they all walked in. Kili placed a hand onto the small of her back scaring her slightly as she gripped her bow slightly tighter.

" Come one, don't want to be left behind." Kili told her ushering to the gate. Amanda flashed a look of panic before she continued reluctantly into the forest. 

" I would rather be left behind." She whispered so quietly no one but herself heard. As the company continued to walk through the forest, it grew darker and thicker as the air became heavy.

"The path turns this way." Thorin called as they continued to walk on. Amanda could feel her hands numbing as she moved them under her gaze.

"Nori, why have you stopped?" Thorin asked as he pushed forward only to see a cliff in the path. 

"The path, it's disappeared" ori concluded for his leader. Amanda felt her breathing become heavier as she looked around her, seeing not dwarves but orcs.

" Find it. All of you, look." Thorin ordered the company to search for the path but Amanda stood still. Her eyes wide as her head began to swirl.

" Amanda? Are you alright?" Kili asked seeing her face pale white and staring wildly at him.

" Uncle, something is wrong with Amanda." He called to Thorin who rushed over to his nephew and pulled him away. Thorin stepped closer to slowly but as he did Amanda blinked and her brown eyes were now covered in a deep grey mist. Almost like the eyes of a blind man as she pulled her sword from its sheath and swung it at Thorin with out a second thought. Thorin jumped back in order to avoid being hit as she swung again, opening his legs wide so the blade landed in the floor. 

" Amanda!" Dwalin called as he rushed over to her, she twisted and swung her sword at him. He brought up his axe to stop her blade and pushed it forward, causing her to stumble backwards.

" Look at her eye!" Dwalin called as he saw her mist covered eyes.

" Be careful! The forest has claimed her mind!" Thorin called as he stood up onto his feet. Bofur and Fili rushed forward and swung their weapons as Dwalin took his chance at her distraction and barred her to his chest with his axe held tightly over her front. She yelled and hissed as she tried to break free from the iron hold which had her back pinned to Dwalin. Kili rushed over and took her head into his hands. He stared into the eyes which were no longer her own.

" Amanda! Wake up!" He cried to her as she chuckled which then went into a full blown laugh. But it was not her laugh; this was the laugh of a maniac that would send shivers down even the toughest of orcs.

" The King beneath the mountains, The King of carven stone, The lord of silver fountains. Shall come into his own!" Amanda began to speak in a hissing manner to Thorin, who stood still; hearing her words.

"His crown shall be upholden, His harp shall be restrung, His halls shall echo golden, To songs of yore re-sung." She continued to speak as other talked over her.

" Whats she sayin'." Ori asked as Dori hushed him quickly.

"The woods shall wave on mountains. And grass beneath the sun; His wealth shall flow in fountains and the rivers golden run." Thorin's mouth hung gap as he spoke of his reclaiming of Erebor.

"The streams shall run in gladness, The lakes shall shine and burn, All sorrow fail and sadness. At the Mountain-king's return!" The last lines struck the companies minds. Her words told them that they will fail this quest. Then not two seconds after she finished speaking; her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her body fell limp. Oin rushed over as Kili held her limp body in his arms.

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