Chapter 12: Goblin town

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"Wake up. Wake up!" Thorin's yelling abruptly awoke Amanda from her more then comfortable sleep within Kili's arms. Amanda grabbed the hilt of her sword that was still attached to her waist when she saw the sand they were laying on fall into a crack. Then the ground gave way and the company all fell. Amanda clung to Kili as his arms held her close. They fell down a winding stone tunnel. The company bashed into each other as they were thrown about and soon the stone left them and they landed in a basket of sorts.

" You alright?" Kili asked an groan as Amanda nodded her head to him. Amanda pushed up off his chest and turned when screeching was heard. A large group of goblin rushed towards them, grabbing and pushing the company to their feet. Kili trying to keep a hold of Amanda but five goblin pulled them apart as they struggled.

"Kili!" Amanda yelled as she was punched in the stomach to make her stop talking. The goblins dragged and pushed the company. They went over several wooden bridges and up to a platform. There sitting on a very large chair; was a very large, disgustingly hideous goblin. He had a long tumour like chin that hung low and a very podgy looking belly. His skin was a peachy orange colour with warts and lumps all over it. He had a staff with a skull on top and a crown of bones on his head. A group of small goblins piled themselves under its right foot so the goblin king could step down. The goblin king moved closer to the company as the smaller goblin held the company.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" He asked in a hideous voice causing Amanda to cringe slightly. Her eyes searched for Kili.

"Dwarves, Your Malevolence." A small goblin at the front spoke to his king.

"Dwarves?" The king asked surprised as if he had never seen a dwarf before.

"We found them on the front porch." The small goblin said. Amanda would have chuckled at this, but she was too busy trying to find Kili.

"Well, don't just stand there; search them! Every crack, every crevice." The goblin king yelled an order as Amanda eyes found Kili but then he disappeared as the goblins began searching them. They began stripping Amanda of her weapons but Amanda retaliated and swung a lunch at a goblin, sending him flying. The goblins squealed and rushed towards her.

"What are you doing in these parts? Speak!" The king demanded and answer.

" Our business is our own! " Amanda yelled at him only to be slapped by a goblin.

" What is this? A girl!" The king yelled looking closer to her as the goblins held her down.

" Ah but not just any girl! A Rangers! The half breed cast out by her family! I can see why he enjoyed your presence so much!" The king called, she knew who he talked about; but dare not mention his name.

" Hold your tongue you fiend! I would rip your limp from limp if I could!" Amanda growled to the king with a string glare. A goblin launched his fist into her stomach again, causing her to release a gasp of pain. Kili watched and tried to break from the goblins grip to get to her, but was unable to.

" Now now, that's rude!" The king growled and stepped back as Amanda grumbled lowly.

"Well, if they will not talk, we'll make them squawk! Bring out the Mangler! Bring out the Bone Breaker! Start with the girl." The king yelled pointing to Amanda. The goblins began to bring out devices Amanda had never seen before, but they were no where near as bad as the ones Azog had used.

"Wait." Thorin yelled as he stepped forward. Amanda rolled her eyes at him as the goblin stopped pushing her forward.

"Well, well, well, look who it is. Thorin son of Thrain, son of Thror; King under the Mountain." The king said happily as he bowed dramatically to Thorin.

"Oh, but I'm forgetting, you don't have a mountain. And you're not a king. Which makes you nobody, really." The king said with a laugh.

" Who is the rude one now?" Amanda yelled at him only to be slapped again in the face.

"I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just the head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak, an old enemy of yours. A Pale Orc astride a White Warg." The king smiled happily thinking of the reward he would get for this dwarf.

"Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago." Thorin yelled at him not believing the truth.

" Thorin! Remember my story? I said it happened three years ago. The beast is still alive." Amanda told him as if he was stupid. Thorin face turned to her and went slightly pale as he realised what was staring him in the face.

"You think his defiling days are done, do you?" The king yelled to the small dwarven king.

"Send word to the Pale Orc; tell him I have found his prize and a present of good will." The king growled as Amanda looked to Kili. His eyes watched her with pain and worry and Amanda just sent him a reassuring look.

"Bones will be shattered, necks will be wrung! You'll be beaten and battered, from racks you'll be hung. You will lie down here and never be found, down in the deep of Goblin-town." The goblin sang badly out of tune. His pitch was way of on every note. Having heighten hear -from her elven blood- Amanda wished he would stop. And much to her happiness he did. But at that moment one of the goblins picked up Thorin sword and unsheathed it. He gasped in fear and threw it to the ground. The goblin shrieked and the king back up to his throne.

"I know that sword! It is the Goblin-Cleaver, the Biter, the blade that sliced a thousand necks." The goblin king shouted in fear at the blade. As he spoke the goblins began hitting and whipping the dwarves in anger. One jumped onto Amanda's back and bite her neck. She let out a shriek as she tore her arms from the grips of goblin and pulled the goblin off her.

"Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all! Cut off his head!" The goblin king yelled as one of the goblins had Thorin pinned to the ground with a blade at his neck. A goblin pulled Amanda's hair back yanking her head back to reveal her neck. A rusty blade was pressed against her already bloody -from the deep bite- neck. Amanda sighed and closed her eyes waiting for the blade to kill her. Her thoughts moved to Kili and his smile. She wanted that to be the last thing she saw. Then everyone fell into a deathly silence and a blast of air knocked every being over onto their back. Amanda groaned as she shook her head trying to clear her mind. She rolled over to her side and saw a shadow standing with a pointed hat, staff and a long sword. She smiled as she immediately knew who it was.

" Gandalf." She whispered softly.

"Take up arms. Fight. Fight!" Gandalf yelled to them all as they stood up and grabbed their weapons. Amanda stood up and applied pressure to her bite wounded neck.

" Amanda! Are you alright?" Kili asked as he ran up to her handing her all of her weapons. She released her neck with a nodded and strapped everything back into her quickly. She checked her bag making sure her phoenix tears were there. Her eyes looked back to Kili who had gone deathly pale.

" Kili?" Amanda asked worryingly as his finger went up to her neck.

" Your neck is bleeding badly. We need to bind it!" He said but Amanda shoved his hand out the road.

" We don't have time for that!" Amanda yelled as she unsheathed her sword and pushed Kili out of the road, killing a goblin. Amanda grabbed Kili's hand dragging him after the others. Her neck throbbed in pain but she was too concentrated on getting the hell out of this foul place.

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