Chapter 21: The Elvenking.

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Legolas stopped and turned to his younger and shorter sister with an upset glint in his eyes.

" I am sorry, I have to bind your wrists." His voice clearly showed his displeasure at what he was about to do, but Amanda knew he had no choice. If she was taking to her father without restraints what would he think?

" I know, brother. I know." Amanda calmed him as she put her hands out in front of her together. Legolas knelt down so he was slightly shorter than her, he gently pulled elven rope from the side and softly wrapped it around her wrists.

" Is it too tight?" He asked as he tied a knot. Amanda shook her head with a soft smile.

" No." She whispered with a reassuring smile his way. His hand moved up to her cheek and rubbed a thumb over her cheek bone.

" I am truly sorry, muinthil" (Sister) Legolas whispered to her, trying his hardest to show he only what her to be safe. But he knew as soon as they both walked into the kings throne room, he would have too be cruel and heartless towards her once more. "I hate being so heartless to you, muinthil. It is so hard saying those horrid things about you."

" muindyr, I have told you several times over. I take none of them to heart, there are but distant echoed on a strong wind."(Brother) She assured her elder sibling. He nodded and stood to his feet and turned his back to her.

" It is time." He said in a single tone as he walked forward, Amanda following close behind as they approached a archway that had six guards, dressed in gold armor on either side. Their shields held by in front of them with swords buckled to their sides. They moved to barricade Amanda with two just behind Legolas but in front of her. Another two directly to her sides and two behind her; completing the cage around her.

" Father!" Legolas called as they slowed to a stop below the large Throne that had large Elk antlers. Sitting on the over glorified throne was none other than King Thranduil.

" You may leave." The king muttered to the Guards as they bowed and turned simultaneously and walked out the throne room. Leaving the three alone.

" Look at this... The happy family back together." Amanda smirked quickly watching Thranduil's face at her words. "Oh wait, we're not happy are we? I wonder why that is?" She giggled tilting her head as the king stormed over to her with a furious look upon his face.

" You are a disgrace that should never have been born." He growled lowly at her with seething hate. Amanda only smirked at him which seemed to cause his blood to boil more.

" Well, I was." Amanda returned back to him.

" You will hold your tongue." Thranduil yelled to her and the only response he got was Amanda laughing loudly.

" You may be my king and my so called Father. But I also have another king. He just so happens to be trapped in your dungeons." Amanda told him smoothly. "He also happens to be a better king than you could ever be."

" I said..." Thranduil yelled and stood straight. "Hold your tongue!" He growled as he brought down his hand, slapping her cheek with an immense force behind it. Legolas flinched at the echoed sound it cause as he watched Amanda fall to her side.

" You still hit like a fairy I see." Amanda laughed as she rolled onto her back and was instantly grabbed by her neck. Thranduil effortlessly lifted her up so she was eye level with him.

" I gave mercy on you before and let you live. I swore to you that if you set foot within my borders again, I would personally rip out our heart." He spoke quietly in a hiss as he trailed a hand to just over her heart.

" Father! Do not hurt her!" Legolas called losing his cold demeanor for a moment. His father's head snapped to him in surprise. "At least not yet." He recovered from his slip.

" What do you have in mind?" He asked skeptically.

" She is important to the filthy dwarves. What better way to crush their spirits than killing her in front of them." Legolas said stepping forward to them both. "Humiliate her in front of the whole of Mirkwood. Make a event out of it." Thranduil seemed to think over his son's words for a while before his eyes trailed back to his daughter. She looked exactly like her mother, her brown eyes and hair. The only similarity of him was her slightly high cheekbones.

" Take her to her cell. Began the preparations for tomorrow evening." Thranduil called as Legolas roughly grabbed her upper arm and dragged her from the room. Once they were far enough away from their father's hearing. Legolas turned to her and shrunk to her height, instantly wrapped his arms around her.

" I am sorry. If I had not done something, he would have killed your right there." He whispered lowly, burying his face into her shoulder.

" I know, muindyr. I need you to do something for me." She whispered to him.

" Anything." Legolas said almost instantly to his sister, pulling away too look at her.

" I need you to get me my belongings. Especially my bag and sword." She asked him with a pleading look in her brown eyes.

" Of course I will try. Now, we have to get you back to the cells." Legolas said placing a hand on her shoulder and leading her to the cells where the company was kept.

" How do you plan on escaping?" Legolas asked quietly.

" The company that wandered into Mirkwood consisted of 15. You only have..." Amanda smirked to him as realisation hit him.

" 14." Legolas whispered as a smirk grew on his own as well. " I will find a way to get your things to you. But if you leave before I can, I will bring them to you wherever you are."

" Thank you." Amanda said as they walked into the dungeons, Legolas grabbed her arm again and pushed her forward.

"Amanda! Are you alright?!" Kili called out worryingly.

" Get your filthy hands of the Lass!" Dwalin yelled at Legolas as he opened her cell door and launched her into Kili. Kili grabbed her as she tumbled into him softly.

" Amanda, are you okay? He didn't hurt you? I swear if he hurt you..." Kili muttered looking at her with a hand on her cheek. Inspecting for injuries. Amanda smiled to him and place a hand onto his looking up to him.

" Your eye! He did hurt you." Kili growled looking at the forming bruise on her right eye.

" No, my love. That was the elvenking." Amanda confirmed to him quickly leaning into his touch.


Hey guys,

So I just wanted to say thank you for reading. I am going to start updating this story more for you all.

Love you guys :)

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