Chapter 22: Escape

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Much to popular demand I gave you an argument! I wanna dedicated this chapter to two people.

jasperswife2 and hi_my_name_is _nemma

Enjoy! Opinions welcome!


" Kili..." Amanda whispered to the dwarf that shared shared a cell with her. She sat on the bed with her feet hanging over the edge while Kili sat directly across from her against the wall.

" Yes?" He asked. Amanda's breathing picked up slight. She has been wanting to ask for a while, but found she had to pluck up the courage to say her words.

" Why did you say all of that to Tauriel?" She asked in a weak voice. Afraid of the answer she would get.

" What? I was just being nice." Kili explained as Amanda shook her head.

" No, when you spoke to her. I saw your face, I hear that tone your voice held. You..." Amanda began but stopped before looking up to Kili. " You... have feelings... For her..." Amanda spoke quiet.

" What?! No Amanda no!" Kili spoke angrily as he stood up. "I hold no feeling to her."

" Please Kili, I saw the look on your face when you spoke of the stars and moon to her. It was a look I have never had from you." Amanda growled to him.

" You are accusing me of loving another?" Kili asked quietly to her stepping forward.

" I don't need to accuse. I know." Amanda yelled at him.

" Oh really? And you." Kili said pointing his finger at her accusingly. "I have seen the way that elf prince looked at you, when he thought no one was looking." Kili spat in disgust to her.

" What? You think he and I?" Amanda asked as a smirk grew on her lips. This only caused Kili more anger.

" Yes you and him! Just like you, I saw they way he looks to you. He held a hidden love." Kili growled to her. "And how do I not know what the pair of you done while you were away?"

" Kili." Amanda spoke shaking her head.

" Do not lie to me, Amanda!" Kili yelled in a fury to her. "You love him! So why don't you just stay here and be with him!"

" Kili! I do not love him! Not like that!" Amanda yelled back no longer finding his ranting funny.

" Please! It's written all over your face! Did you ever truly even love me?" Kili yelled to her.

" Of course I love you, Kili! I nearly died for you! On several occasions!" Amanda shot back.

" I wish you had died! Then I would not have to go through such betrayal from the like of you!" He growled to her. Amanda stared back in shock at his words. Did he truly mean such? Did the love of her life truly wish her to be dead? Well if he did, he would not have to wait to long.

" Kili, I do not love Legolas the way..." Amanda began to explain but Kili cut her word with his hand in the air, ordering her to stop. Which she obeyed as he was still her prince.

" Will you shut up! I cannot take anymore of your filthy lies! I should have known never to trust a disgusting half breed, that has no idea what trust and loyalty means!" Kili spat looking at her up and down in disgust

"KILI!" Most of the company roared in anger at Kili's hurtful words. But they were cut short by Amanda slapping Kili's face hard.

" I see that my love was wrongly placed." Amanda spoke as tears began to well up in her eyes. Kili's angry face fell into regret as he realised his words, the slap from Amanda had brought him quickly back to his sense.

" Amanda, I-I am so sorry." Kili said in a sorrowful voice.

" Don't, just don't, Kili. I'm done." Amanda spoke quietly as she sat back down on the bed. "Either way, if we do not escape this place. I am doom to die."

" What do you mean?" Kili asked confused at her words.

" The king is holding holding a party tomorrow night." Amanda began loud enough for everyone to hear. "He intends to see to it that I be executed... In front of you all."

" What!" Kili called in anger as the rest of the company also began yelling in anger. "How could he? You are his kin!" Kili finished off as Amanda shook her head.

" But I am not. I am nobody's kin but my own. Like you said Kili, I am a half breed. I belong nowhere." Amanda said as a tear fell from her cheek. Kili knew he should never have said what he had, knowing it was a taboo to her. Soon they all fell into a deafening silence. Nobody knew how much time had past before Bofur spoke to break to silence.

"I'll wager the sun in on the rise. Must be nearly dawn." Bofur called out from his cell as Amanda placed her head in her hands.

" We're never gonna reach the mountain, are we?" Ori sighed heavily as Amanda looked up to Kili slightly as she saw his saddened deminor only grew stronger.

"Not stuck in here you're not." A very familiar voice called silently to them. Everyone jumped up and scrambled to their feet, rushing over to the gates.

" Bilbo!" Balin called happily as everyone began to cheer happily at the thought of escaping.

"Ssh! There are guards, nearby!" Bilbo scolded the company causing Amanda to snicker softly with a weak smile. Bilbo freed everyone from their cells and they all began to head towards the stairs.

"Not that way. Down here, follow me!" Bilbo called out ushering them down rather than up. Half way down Amanda was pulled to the side by a soft hand. Ready to strike who ever it was, she stopped notice the familiar face.

" Legolas." Amanda smiled relief to him as he returned a gentle smile.

" Here, I managed to get your belongings." Legolas spoke quickly handing his young sister everything. Amanda quickly put everything back on in the appropriate places.

" You must hurry, I will delay them as long as I can." Legolas said placing a hand onto her shoulder. Amanda smiled to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Legolas quickly followed and embraced her back.

" Amanda what is wrong? I can see the sorrow in your eyes." Legolas asked quickly.

" My love was placed wrong, just another broken heart." Amanda looked down. "Nothing I am not used too." Amanda a shook her head and looked back up to her brother once more.

" Thank you, brother. And please, stay safe until next." Amanda ordered him as they pulled back from each other.

" To you as well. Now go." Legolas said pushing her forward. Amanda took off towards the company in the wine cellar. Amanda never once sparing Kili a look, this broke him straight to the core. But he knew he deserved it.

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