ATTENTION: important

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Due to, you know, recent events and J*n being a really bad guy in general, and Ashlie being a better person and acting like an adult but still making me uncomfy, they will no longer be in any of these oneshots

I don't even know if this will continue to be a thing

I've been sorta drifting into the fandom of....
My own stories (that I've made with a friend)
They just have that same vibe and I love the characters dearly

Anyways, if you like my writing you can stay tuned cus there's still a chance I may upload like other stuff on here




Yeah no probably not

Hey you guys wanna see what that THQ AU would've turned out to be?

Here ya gooooooo

It was gonna be fun but
Now I literally can't bring myself to do it

Don is a frankenstein creature created by ddawn, who was a robot that worked alongside the royal scientists, Uni and Duni, and his associate and fellow droid Dawn. Uni and Duni wanted them to get along but they just didn't. DDawn was fascinated by organic matter but in the wrong way. Dawn tried to pull him away from it, telling him that it'd be hell for the human he creates. DDawn doesn't listen. He takes the body of a dead convict after he is hung, and he starts working on Don. When Dawn finds out later and sees DDawn in fact didn't stop and lied about everything, he rushes off to tell Uni and Duni. DDawn is too close to give up, so it was now or never. He brings the creature to life that stormy night. Uni and Duni come in with Dawn and see what's happening. Once it's over, they scold DDawn, who is upset nothing came of his creature. Then Dawn notices the heart monitor beep and then pick up and they hurry off. Duni already contacted a guard, they just need to get out of there as there was no telling how the public would react or how the creature will turn out. DDawn is locked in the room to await his eventual shut down. He walks over to the creature and speaks to it, damning it and hoping it hears. He's then dragged off and the creature is dumped into the lake down the side of the castle for hopes it dies

Ashlie is the queen of the kingdom Uni and Duni work at. She's a spitfire but good when it comes to ruling. When she was notified about the creature, she ordered it's execution and the person responsible to be punished, as she had worse problems to deal with. A war was brewing between her and Davis' kingdom. Not only that, but if the people were to find out about the powers she held, she'd be executed for sure
(Her powers are fire-based)

Davis is the king of the kingdom with his queen Kat. They are fairly normal except are home to much more crime. He's a bit of a lazy king and thinks anything can be solved by throwing people into prison. His queen is growing ill, though, so he's been taking it out on anything else, and with the war brewing with Ashlie's kingdom, it's the best way to distract him. Apparently Kat was injured by someone with ice magic, and she's suffering from a frost-like taint that will eventually freeze to death

Dick and Dashlie live in Davis' kingdom. They are dirty little crime bois. Dashlie is mainly the leader, as her partner in crime, and brother, is suffering from a darkness curse that's turned his white hair black and made his skin paler. He's been nicknamed the crow boy and she's been nicknamed the albino raven. The police have a hard time getting them since they've lived on the streets their whole life and know their way around, especially the sewers. One day dick isn't able to get away quick enough and he and Dashlie are locked in a prison to be executed. They manage to escape when one of the prisoners realizes how young they are and points them in a direction where they could get help for dick

Duni and Uni started out as scientist partners and slowly fell in love aww. But with DDawn's mishap, they start to tear apart. Uni questions Duni's capabilities and wonders what else of his will turn out like that. Duni is hurt and lashes out, attacking Uni. This on top of his robot creating life from the dead sets him up for banishment, and he disappears to seek some sort of vengeance against the queen and his lost love

Jon is the former jester of Davis' kingdom. He was kicked out for supposed conspiracies. He knows the king is going mad. He could never come forward about how he was the one that hurt the queen with his ice powers. He was fine with being banished but it never sat right with him that he could never reach the queen in time to cure her. This is the guy Dick and Dashlie go to for help. He lives in a hut in the woods and is able to diagnose Dick with what he has. It'll eventually kill him, but he's at the right state where the sickness can be caught and turned into powers if he's up for the task. There's an abandoned building not far from the hut where the old kingdom Ashlie ran use to place her scientists, specifically botanists. They can train there and see what he can do without being seen by any potential witnesses. Dashlie can watch I guess lol

Nick is a humble merchant. He stumbles across an unsightly view of a man half-naked and numb on the side of a riverbank. He obviously stops and goes to help, but he is horrified by the sight. At first he's sure the man is dead, but then he notices him move. The man is a monster. Nick is horrified and tries to scramble away, but the monster reaches out and begs for help. Nick sees his eyes and realizes he can't just leave this thing here, it hurts him too much. Nick decides to help him out, getting him into the wagon and eventually reaching a good place for a camp sight. He gets the man some clothes and food and water and asks what happened. The man says he doesn't know, and when asked for his name he doesn't know. Nick gives him the name Don. He likes that. The two will travel together a little, Don listening to Nick's stories and Nick teaching him how to do things. Nick is happy dad


And it would've switched perspectives and such

Oh well

Btw did you guys know J*n is still uploading??? The absolute sheer audacity of this man is impeccable
I know he won't be going to jail cus the system is fucked and children who would've been younger and had more incriminating evidence would still have been brushed under the rug

Sorry to bring this up again to those who were trying to forget

Have a great day!

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