It's Us One-Shot: "The Boy Who Cried Denny's"

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Stories from Quarantine
Collab with Cinder5554

Ashlie had been waiting a while to see her dear grandfather Uni, and now couldn have been the best time. She packed a lunch basket and pulled on her red hood coat thing and left her house that afternoon, looking forward to her visit. It was around the time when she was trotting through the thick of the woods that she grew uneasy, Brit she was a fearless woman who don't need not man and so she powered through her uneasiness, determined.

She paused as she heard footsteps behind her, she turned aronod to see a man walking behind her. She tensed, "Hi, where are you off too?" The man asked. She looked the man up and down, quickening her pace. "Uhh, nonya business, dude." She answered, and the man frowned. "Ow, rude." He commented , rollolinng his eyes

Ashlie stopped and turned to hi, scowling. "You're being real creepy"
She said, upset. The man quirked and eyebrow at her, adjusting his gray glasses a
"I'm just asking where I can find the local, Denny's mama," he said politely. Ashlie ignored him nd instead turning back to the path, quickening her pace. "Excuse me!"
He called, chasing after her. "You didn't answer my question!

Ashlie halted, turning to him again and shouting "go away!"

The man stopped, startled. "Okay,@ he said, and he slowly backed away, into the woods like a creep

She quickened her pace, nervous about the weirdo that she was apparently sgaring the path with. Her gramoa Uni was waitingz , and the man wanted his cookies dead-gummit . the house was in the distancr and she wasked towards it, nervous at the sight of the opened doot. She hurried, looking and seeing a man sitting at the table.

"Who is you???" Cried Ashlie? Seeing the man sitting at the table with her grandpas glasses on top of his own glasses. Ashlie squinted, her memories failing her. "Grandpa?""

@no?" Said the man, perplexed as te tapped the table

"Grandpa, what big eyes you have!" Cried Ashlie, shocked

The man blinked at her. "Okay? I actually have kinda small eyes but—"

Ashlie grasper. "What big teeth you have!""

The man brought his hand up to his teeth, mouth suddenly insecure and bashful.

"Why yiu gitta be so rude, likez, wow?" He asked, looking away with a hand over his mouth. "Woe, Gandpa what big ears you have." she commented, narrowing her eyes at the mans ears. "Whaay, are you like this?" he asked, "wow, grandoa, your feet are huge today!" she then exclakmed. Nivk sigjed, annoyed and insecure at the bullying he was recieving.

"And you're hairy," noted Ashlie, and nick groaned. Standing up

"oKAY you know what? That's enough!" He cried, fed up. He tooo of his glasses, or the other glasses, and Ashlie gasped!

"You're that xreep aling the street I met!"

"No, I just some guy!@ said the man. Just then, the door to ashlie's grandpa's bedroom opened, there stood great big ol not that big or old , Uni. Ashlie cried out to him

"Grandpas! Uni! This man broke into your house!"

Uni glanced green her and Nick and sighed nick groaned

"I'm friends with Uni, man! I only came over when I didn't know where else to go since you wouldn't tell r where the damn locals Denny's is!"

Ashlue was confused, she sat there for a moment looking at him, "What?" she asked. then Jni cam im "Oh, Ashlie, have you met Nick!" he asked, "He's a good friemd of mine" Ashlie nodded slowly, "Uhhh, I'm nit sorry about the thinhs I've said, btw." She said.

Nick sighed. "It's ok I guess, I just wish you would have been more or less quick to judge,@ he said

Ashlie laughs, avatars. "Yeah..." she then worked up and held her picnic basket up. "I will have this food! We should have lunch together! My treat, dear airs."

Nick shook his head. "I still am just looking for the local denny'Scott he said, a bit frustrated. "I'm supposed to have lunch there and meet a bit man"

The other two laughed like he was joking. "One come,@' said Uni. "Let us eat."

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