
40 1 0

Trope: bodyswitching

Universe: THQ

Characters: Don, Dick, DDawn, Duni, Dashlie

TW: swearing, anxiety, depression



"Big words coming from a small man."

DDawn was getting tired of this.


"You're the one that keeps talking!"

They were getting really, really tired of this.

The robot watched as their compatriots went for each other's throats, both figuratively and literally. They and the entire D Gang were seated at the dinner table, though not a lot of dinner was being had since yet another argument had sparked. Dashlie was choking on her food from laughing so hard and Duni was trying and failing to separate Don and Dick. Both of the latter had been going at one another like this like cat and dog for weeks on end, and DDawn couldn't help but wonder what the root of this resentment was.

DDawn observed the two as Dick and Don yelled at one another. Yes, they were very familiar with the usual fighting between the D Gang, but somehow, with these two, it was different. DDawn was determined to figure out why, for the constant bickering was, quite literally, grinding their gears.

Don grabbed his steak knife - great choice considering he was an assassin. Duni let out a yelp as Don leapt across the table, scattering plates as he tackled Dick. The two toppled over one another, and Richard cried out in shock when the back of his chair hit the wooden floor. Don still managed to come out on top, straddling Dick's waist and raising the knife above his head. Everyone was frozen in shock, as if waiting to see what would happen. DDawn observed quietly and intently, the interaction incredibly gripping to them.

Just as DDawn had suspected, Don had what people would call "morals." As a result, he didn't bring the knife down, unfortunately. DDawn thought that would've been a great spectacle, although that would then mean they'd need to find another person willing to do grunt work. It's not like such a search was impossible, for Dick was incredibly replaceable. The action was mainly more tiring than anything. Either way, DDawn was both disappointed and pleased with Don.

The next scene was rather... Well, no matter how much DDawn search their database, they just could not find the word for it.

Again, the room was silent, so Don and Dick's heavy breathing was very much audible. Don made a face, his grip on the steak knife tightening. Dick stared up at Don, a slight glimpse of fear in his eyes, but it quickly melted away as a second or so passed. He smiled. "Go ahead, stab me. Gut me like a fish," he invited.

DDawn's gaze shifted to Don as the jester smirked. "I would, but then I'd have to clean your blood off my clothes," he responded.

Ah, okay, DDawn finally realized, the word that failed them finally surfacing - the word that describes the tone that passed between Dick and Don. Of course. It was sexual tension. Indeed, it was incredibly infuriating and stupid.

DDawn no longer wished to witness yet another argument. A solution had already come to their mind. Without a word, they stood from the table, ignoring Duni's questioning call as they headed out the door.

Yes, this will be quiet a fascinating spectacle that shall ensue.

Heading to their basement, DDawn added a popcorn app to their database as a treat when witnessing what will occur the next day.

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