THQ AU: Part 1

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     The room was dark, inky blackness reaching through and filling every possible space; the only sound heard were footsteps and the creaking of metal. Swirling, choking: the darkness smothered any light and claimed victory over the endless room. However, when daylight struck through the skylight opened by a single swing of a lever, impenetrable slices of light cut through this abyss, illuminating the inside of a tower and it's endless expanse of shelved and wire-workings. The head of a metallic figure shown and glimmered under the light, flashing as it walked from table to table. It was alone, this figure, but not for long; the door to an adjoining room opened, and out stepped an identical figure, though some sort of air to it gave the sense it was much more approachable than the other.

      "DDawn?" questioned the metallic figure that entered, creaking its head to the side and causing light to bounce of its bronze frame. "What are you up to?"

     The figure from previously, this one with a much darker shade of bronze and flashes of gold instead of the other's silver, stopped in its tracks and turned to its associate, it's arms full with boxes. "None of your concern," the figure, supposedly going by this name of DDawn, said. "I suggest you head back and help out with Uni and Duni. They like you better, after all."

      The opposing figure creaked as cogs whirled in its head. "Whatever do you mean?" it questioned.

      DDawn merely smiled. "You know," it only spoke. Quickly, the robotic frame turned and sped past the other, flashing a smile on its screen. "See you around, Dawn."

       Dawn, this other droid-like being, watched it's companion disappear, the closing of the door echoing throughout the chamber. The robot glanced up at the skylight, a small twinge of concern sparking through its wires. What was DDawn up to, it wondered, but fate would only lead both in precarious directions. A hint of curiousness coursed through the inner workings of Dawn, and the robot looked down to see DDawn had accidentally let one paper slip. It seemed like nothing, but this paper would change the destiny of everything forever.

      Approaching the paper, Dawn's inner fans whirled, steam escaping from small pipes as it crouched down to pick the paper up. Something was not quite right with it, and Dawn picked up on it immediately. It's eyes, though protected through a screen that merely projected such senses, scanned the markings and engravings on the paper.

      It can't be, thought Dawn, sparks releasing from its neck. Quickly, the robot spun around and rushed to the door, the parchment gripped in its metallic hands. It was on that paper that crimes against all organic life communicated. It was unavoidable: DDawn was working to create organic life from scratch. And not just any organic life: human life.

      Dawn had to stop this.


     Darkness, ever swirling, ever captivating: a theme of this story. It was unavoidable, especially when that darkness grew in encapsulating curls from the man's head. The man, a convict, glowered at the stand, ever-burning contempt churning inside toward the eyes that watched. His feet ached against the tiled floor beneath him, but a mere pain was much smaller in comparison to what he had to worry about.

      "Mr. ████████, you are on trial for suspected uses of magic, for murdering an innocent man, claiming self-defense yet endangering the lives of the people around you. How do you plead?" the judge bellowed, darkness only visible from beneath the powdered wig atop his head.

      "Not guilty," the man responded, huffing out his nose.

      "And after all the evidence pointing to your misconduct, you continue to say so? What is your defense?"

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