Unfinished THQ Beach Story: Teen Beach Movie Inspired

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     Richard watched as the forest turned sparse, giving way to a flat, sandy landscape with wiry shrubbery and palm trees. The road carried on through a small town, the residents of the area walking along the sidewalk or carrying on with their lives as seagulls cried in the sky, the sounds of waves in the distance reaching through the window of the car until that was all that could be heard past the wind. Dashlie was peeking out the window, her ponytail whipping in the breeze. Duni had dragged everyone to the beach for a fun week full of sun and relaxation. Richard just wanted to hide away in his room and play video games by himself. The beach was no fun for him, especially given his vitamin D deficiency and weakness to UV rays.

Duni turned into a neighborhood that enclosed the road with towering trees and ferns on either side. Don shifted from side to side in the backseat of the van as Duni turned from left to right until finally pulling into the driveway of a beach house. He slammed on the breaks, startling everyone else in the car and making a backpack topple over in the back and hit Don on his head. As soon as Duni announced their arrival, Don climbed over the backseat, kicking Richard in the nose in the process, and clambered over Dashlie to get out. Richard and Dashlie watched as Don fell out onto the driveway, rolling over and breathing heavily.

"What's his problem?" Duni spoke as he stepped out of the van. Dashlie snapped her fingers as the answer came to her.

"Ooh, that's right," she said, exiting the car, "Don is claustrophobic. We probably shouldn't have put him in the back."

Everyone got out of the vehicle and began unloading the trunk, DDawn taking the keys and heading to the front door. The house was on stilts like every other house the group had seen in the area to protect the house from floods in case of storms or hurricanes. The garage was ground level, but the front door and the actual living space of the house was up the wooden stairs on the side of the building. Dashlie groaned when Duni told them they had to lug everything up the stairs themselves, and she only got more upset when Duni finished unloading everything and headed up into the house without a single bag in hand.

     "I definitely should've worn colder clothes. It's so hot," Dashlie breathed as she and the other two boys hefted luggage up the stairs. The girl paused at the porch and sat the suitcases in her hands down, wiping sweat off her forehead. "Yeah, no. Richard, give me my suitcase. I'm changing. You two can carry the rest."

     "What? No, get back here!" objected Richard, but Dashlie had already taken her suitcase from him and disappeared through the door. Richard huffed and followed Don back down the stairs. "Unbelievable."

     "Don't worry," assured Don, picking up more bags off the driveway by the van, "we can throw her backpack into the bushes. That'll show her." Richard gave an amused laugh at that, and the two found their female friend's red bag hidden in the backseat, eventually tossing it away into the shrubbery lining the tall fence surrounding the house.

     Meanwhile, Duni was busy ogling at the summer home beach house and boasting to DDawn about it. The big windows at the back of the house allowed plenty of light in without the interior lights on, and the carpeted floors of the bedrooms, living room, and entry way were so comfortable to the touch that you could sleep on the floor. Duni waltzed over to the bags Don and Richard had dropped off by the door and headed to the kitchen, stocking the cabinets and fridge with food. "Isn't this lovely, DDawn?" smiled the pug as he turned to the robot seated at the kitchen table. DDawn hummed and continued typing away at his laptop, earning a frown from Duni. "Oh, come on, DDawn! It took me forever to get my hands on this place! The previous owners really know how to fight tooth and nail..."

DDawn glared up at Duni as Richard and Don sat the last of the bags by the front door. "Well, Duni," started the robot, "I may be water proof and able to swim, but that doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy this 'relaxing' vacation you've stupidly set us up on. Unlike you, I actually have work to do, and even though the change of scenery may be good for you imbeciles, that doesn't mean anything to me. In fact, your obsession with stalking Uni may as well be helpful to me now since you won't be dragging me and everyone else around to appease you and your heart's stupid desires." Duni pouted and turned away, mumbling an insult at DDawn before stalking to his bags by the door and dragging them upstairs to his room.


I was cleaning through my story ideas and found this one that I wrote back in November

I wanted to make some sort of story that was inspired by Teen Beach Movie
It would be donchard, and Don and Richard would be trapped inside a musical

But i unfortunately didn't have enough songs planned out for it to follow a complete storyline

So if you want, listen to the Teen Beach Movie soundtrack and try to come up with your own idea, I suppose

"Can't Stop Singing" was the major inspiration for me

But no, this story won't ever be finished

So enjoy what I wrote here, I guess!

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