Nothing is Working, and Everything's Bleeding [THQ One-Shot]

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     Richard sat cross-legged across the hard, stone floor, his legs aching and heart racing. Hearing singular footsteps approaching up the stairs past the sound of the crackling fire around him, he stood up just as DDawn turned the corner. His stomach dropped as the robot passed him without a word, a smile spread across DDawn's usually scowling face. Clenching and unclenching his fists, he closed his eyes as the iron door behind him shut. He knew what would come next.

     As Dick struggled to calm his breathing, the sounds of voices and laughter could be heard echoing up the staircase, and he heard his name being mentioned once or twice. Soon the group of five appeared: Uni, Ashlie, Dawn, Nick, and Jon. He exhaled hotly out his nose but felt his blood run cold when he saw the state Jon was in. The jester was smiling, dragging behind him that dumbass rowboat Don always carried with him. Dick's stomach twisted in knots at the deep crimson stains that ruined the jester's outfit.

    The group teased him, mocked him, ridiculed him. He played along, his temper snapping and bubbling under the surface. He was tired, his eyes hurt. He just wanted to go home and lay down and sleep forever. He didn't want to be here. He would say he didn't sign up for this, but in a way, he had. But suddenly, his anger faded away a bit to confusion as a word caught his attention.

      "You guys think I'm... cool?" he questioned, making sure he heard that right. The group had been ogling at him the entire time, and he wasn't sure if they were serious or actually objectifying him or not. Either way, it had gotten on his nerves, but this only confused him more.

      "Well, yeah!" laughed Ashlie, walking through the ring of fire that had been distinguished by Uni a few moments ago. "Plus, look at that jawline. Mmmm you could cut a finger on that."

      Richard slapped her hand away, and soon he did the same to Jon when he copied her. After some more discourse, he shoved them all away, getting to the point of why he was here. Nick proceeded to make him flustered when he got confused why Richard "wanted a piece of him" and "wanted to take him out." When the understanding that Dick actually meant a fight to the death, everyone oh'd loudly and laughed, only annoying him more. Eventually, Nick took out his axe reluctantly and sighed, stepping forward. He obviously didn't want to do this, but neither had a choice.

      Dick tensed as Jon rowed over in the boat and handed a sword to him. It slipped in his hands, and he realized with internalized horror it was drenched in blood, Don's blood. Blood always made Dick feel queasy, but he shoved his feelings down and shot a glare at Jon, who smiled and rowed away. For a split second, though, he swore he saw a flash of amber in Jon's violet eyes; though, maybe he had imagined it.

     Dick lifted the sword and got in the proper fighting stance. He wasn't as experienced with swords as he was with axes, but it would do. Richard mentally cursed himself when he noticed his hands shaking violently, skewing the sword. He tightened his grip and glowered at Nick as the vampire furrowed his eyebrows at him. Again, as he had before, Nick questioned if Dick really wanted to do this.

     That question, paired with the constant giggling of Jon and Ashlie in the background, would've been enough to make him snap. But with the bloodied sword he held in his hands that was used to kill Don, the uncontrollable shaking of his hands, the stress he had been put under throughout his entire career working for Duni, the smile DDawn had given him before he left, and the knowledge that Don was gone and he would soon be too just pushed him over the edge. He screamed at Nick, demanding they fight. With every tense dodge he made and clash of sword-against-axe, his strength continuously diminished, and he could feel it. The mental tear in his mind was impossible to keep under control, and he just let his rage and hurt come out through his swings.

    He was more violent that he usually would be, and to say he was not in a proper condition to fight would be an understatement. He saw the flashes of concern in Nick's eyes as Dick hacked wildly at him with the sword. Nick struck him time and time again, gashes splitting open across his skin and gushing blood, yet he wouldn't go down. He refused to go down. Richard could hear the confused yelling of the group watching through the roaring of blood in his ears, yet all he could see was red. He strained his body and gave it his all.

    And it still wasn't enough.

    It was never enough.

    Nick's axe slashed across Dick's throat, creating a deep gash that stunned Richard and made him fall back. His body shook and his skin was seared on the embers that hadn't entirely cooled down from the fire they burned originally from. The blood shot up through his throat and into his mouth and nose, choking him. He struggled to breathe and felt tears welling up in his eyes. The group watched horrified as he struggled, and Nick's eyes widened when he saw Dick reaching for the sword again in an attempt to get back up to fighting. The young man rushed over and Dick saw the his silhouette slide in above him as his vision was blurred by blood and black spots. His shaking hands slipped from the sword and moved to shield himself from anything that would happen. The cold, searing, burning pain he felt throughout his body was unbearable, and he couldn't stop crying.

    Nick watched him, the scene making him tear up in horror. He didn't want to, but the kindest thing he could give to Richard in this moment was a mercy kill. And so, he reluctantly raised his axe, his face contorting into a frown as he closed his eyes and swung down. The gut-wrenching sound of metal hitting flesh was heard, and he cracked open an eye to see Richard's glossy gaze staring straight up at him. Nick slowly leveraged his axe out of Richard's skull and turned away, not wanting to look into his foggy eyes and bloodied face or acknowledge his limp, unbreathing body.

    His friends cheered for him, but he felt no victory inside of him. In fact, an unwavering feeling of resentment and burning rage swept through his body, making his breathing hitch and his body shake. The thick smell of blood on the air made him want to gag, and he wanted nothing more than to get out of this hellscape. After some quick discourse between his friends, they moved on toward the iron door, past Dick's body after fishing the key from his cardigan pocket. Nick glanced at Jon, who smiled back at him and congratulated him. That same, unforgiving rage flickered inside him, and a raspy voice whispered in his ear as the group moved on through the door:

      I hope you're happy now.


Felt like challenging myself to write because I'm struggling with my current stories. Like, I wanna write them but I can't find the inspiration to kick it off

Anyways yeah. I see a lot of people that give perspectives to Don's death, but I never see any of the other d gang's point of view. I thought of doing Richard's because why not

I hope you enjoyed it either way!
Been a while since I updated this book, huh...

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