Mirror of Erised [D-Gang/Donchard Oneshot]

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The hallways of Hogwarts were empty and quiet, not a single person in a painting stirring from slumber. The bright moon shined over the land, filtering in through the windows into the torch-lit hallways. Though the staircases moved per usual, there wasn't a single student or teacher seen to be awake or wandering the halls. It was silent and peaceful...

Until three Slytherin students emerged from a door, dragging a Hufflepuff with them. The Hufflepuff whined in protest only to get shushed by the other three students. "Duni, be quiet or I will MAKE you be quiet," the Slytherin witch threatened. Duni pouted.

"No! Dashlie, you're just going to get us in trouble, and I had nothing to do with it!" the Hufflepuff protested, trying to yank his arm from the witch's tight grip. One of the Slytherin boys cut him off from escaping.

"Why do you think we brought you along? It's not because we like you — it's because you're our scapegoat," the wizard said with a scowl, only making Duni frown.

"That's not very nice of you, Dick." Dick rolled his eyes.

"You think? Come on. All you want to do during the day is try to order us around, and that certainly doesn't go well for you, now, does it?"

"That's only because none of you listen!"

"GUYS! SHH! I THINK SOMEONE'S COMING!" the other Slytherin boy whisper-yelled, making Duni yelp and leap back.

"Where? I can't get in trouble!" Duni said, panicked.

"No, I just said that to make you shut up. But if you do keep talking, I'm sure someone is going to find us."

"That's not very nice, Don!"

"Merlin's beard, you must be the most annoying Hufflepuff to ever exist..." Dick muttered, shaking his head.

"Guys, come on. It's going to be sunrise by the time we reach where we're going," Dashlie said, continuing to pull Duni along as the other two boys followed.

"I don't even know where we're going..." Duni said. "You guys didn't tell me..."

And the group didn't enlighten Duni as he had wished, unfortunately. The four just continued catching up to the staircases and turning down hallways. It was a wonder why no one had seen them yet—

"Hide!" Don suddenly hissed, jumping behind a pillar. The others looked confused for a moment before joining him. Dashlie opened her mouth to question him, but Don put a finger to her lip and then pointed.

Two wizards, both Slytherin, came rushing down the hallway before one of the boys stopped to catch his breath. The boy ahead turned around and whispered something to his friend that the others didn't quite catch. The blonde-haired wizard looked up to his darker-haired friend with a concerned and questioning look, saying something under his breath. The brown-haired boy said something in reply, looking away and shaking his head. After the anxious-looking Slytherin pulled himself up from his knees, the two hurried off from sight without another word. The other four waited in the shadows for a moment before slipping back out into the hallway.

   "What's up with you Slytherins and wanting to go explore the castle after dark?" Duni huffed. He furrowed his brow. "Especially those two! Albus and Scorpius have just made matters worse for themselves all year!"

   Everyone ignored the Hufflepuff. "What do you think that was all about?" Dick asked, scratching the back of his head as he looked down the corridor the two had disappeared to.

"Don't know, don't care," answered Don before continuing walking. "Let's hurry up. I don't want to be here all night..."


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