Unfinished One-Shots (#1): The Cowardly Threat of Sickly Hollow

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[The following is an unfinished oneshot I never, well, finished. Chances are, I won't ever finish it, either

ONE-SHOT NAME: The Cowardly Threat of Sickly Hollow
I hope you enjoy it anyways]

The sun filtered through the trees of the forest, casting light on the leaves and speckling the ground. It was quiet and peaceful, the forest animals acting as guardians of the small castle that laid nestled between a cliffside and trees. Barley any outsiders found their way to Sickly Hollow - it wasn't found on many maps or discovered by many people, after all. All who visited either stayed for the tranquility of the kingdom, or they didn't make it out alive. Most of the time, it was the latter.

Dashlie heaved a sigh, leaning against the moss-covered windowsill of her room. She was but a simple Mage of the kingdom - trusted, yet kept under watch by the royal guards. King Duni was a very prestigious ruler, yet it was his delusional and eccentric personality that really left his name to be whispered rather than spoken at a normal volume. The kingdom he ruled over was always on lockdown, never letting people out and barley letting people in. Though, no one ever found Sickly Hollow. Because of the lack of visitors and events that happened throughout the weeks and months, Dashlie was often locked away in her room with nothing to do. She always looked out her window during really low times, her eyes trained on the spot right where the tree line began, as if her stare would beckon any new visitors. It rarely ever worked.

There was a sudden knock on her door, startling Dashlie from her drowsy thoughts and forcing her to turn and face the newcomer whom had unlocked the door and entered. She blinked, a little surprised to see the royal jester standing there. The Mage felt her heart rise, for she always liked the company of the few people she actually cared about in the entire kingdom. Unfortunately, King Duni forced her as well as everyone to hate one another and never get along. That was mainly the reason Dashlie's welcoming smile turned into an arrogant snarl.

"What do you want?" she asked, feeling a little bad for having to act this way. She made sure she kept her voice raised, aware that the guards outside could hear her. She didn't want them to think she was going to be nice to the jester.

"Dick said he needed you," Don said quietly with that stupid, chemically-calm gaze of his. "I'm the only one besides DDawn who has the key to your room."

Dashlie was a little caught off-guard by how fast this was starting out. Come to think of it, she didn't know exactly why Don had unlocked and entered into her room. She barely ever was allowed visitors. "Why would he need me?" Dashlie asked hesitantly, her eyes darting nervously over to the bookshelf near the corner of her room. She knew full well why Dick - or Richard, as that's his real name - wanted to see her. It wasn't for any silly romance of Romeo and Juliet, no... it was for that one plan they had been brewing within the walls of the kingdom, unbeknownst to the King or any of his royal guards.

Don simply shrugged as an answer to Dashlie's query. "I dunno. He just said for me to 'go get the brat.' I can only assume that's you," he said, giving a wry smile. Dashlie opened her mouth to defend herself from the insult, but her mind had already moved on ahead to the situation at hand. Instead of retaliating, Dashlie turned and walked over to her bookshelf to grab the things she needed.

"Tell him I'll be right down," she said, shuffling through the many spell books and containers of magical substances. When she didn't hear the door close, Dashlie turned around to see Don still standing there. "You can go now."

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