Company Is Coming [Ashlie x W!Jon]

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Yeah this takes place after the epilogue of THRQ

      Ashlie stepped out of the house onto the front porch and took a deep breath, sighing as the smell of ocean air filled her senses and cries of seagulls reached her ears. All was right in Softlanding. The vampire traced her hand along the white fencing of the porch as she descended down the stairs and proceeded to go check the mail. Sifting through the letters, some just bills, others letters from her friends, she stopped dead in her tracks when a certain name popped up on one of the letters.

     The blue haired woman let her arms lower as she looked back up to her house, her blood running cold. Quickly, she slammed the mailbox shut and flew all the way to the front door, kicking it open and frantically calling to her boyfriend:


      There was crashing from upstairs, quickly followed by footsteps, and soon the navy-and-red-themed jester fell down the stairs in a pile on the floor. He quickly scrambled to his feet, his pale face paler than usual, and his blue pinprick eyes shrunk to the size of a fiber. "F*CK!!" he cried, and Ashlie nodded.


    Jon, or Warped Jon as many called him, seeing that he had the same name as his grandson and Ashlie's friend, hurried over to Ashlie's side and took the letter she handed to him. Quickly reading it over, he looked up to her, his pale face paler than before. "F*CK!!!" he repeated.

     "F*ck!!" agreed Ashlie.

     Warped Jon paced back and forth across the living room, reading over the letter a dozen times. "No, no, no, no! She's coming tonight???" he said before stopping in his tracks and looking over to his girlfriend. "What are we gonna do???"

    "What do you think??"




    Ashlie rushed over to Warped Jon and gently took his arm, lowering it so he wouldn't look at the letter. "It's okay! It'll be fine... We just need to calm down..." the vampire assured. Warped Jon let out a sigh and tossed the letter onto the side table. Ashlie looked at it for a moment before hugging onto her boyfriend. "What do you think she's gonna do?"

    Warped Jon pulled away and looked out the window, clenching and unclenching his fists before turning back to Ashlie. "She's gonna kill me..." he started, bringing a hand to his mouth and inhaling sharply through his nose, "and then kill me again!"

    "And she's gonna ground me!" said Ashlie.



    "We need to do something," said Warped Jon, walking back over to Ashlie.

    "What are we gonna do?" questioned the woman, watching as the jester fiddled with his gloves.

    "Maybe we can find a place for me to hide....?"

    "She's going to be here for a week and maybe even decide to move in so she'll be closer to me. I doubt you'll be able to hide for that long," sighed Ashlie. Warped Jon whimpered and shook his head.

    "Then maybe we go ask the others what we should do? Maybe they can help!" suggested the... god?

    "That could work!"

    "Great! Let's go to Dick and Don!" said Warped Jon, flying over to the door.

    "What? No! That's a terrible idea—" started Ashlie, but her boyfriend was already gone. Sighing, the woman lifted off the ground and followed after him.

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