thrq ending

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Don closed his eyes as the warm air gently kissed his face. Something had flipped inside him like a switch. All of a sudden, he wasn't as scared anymore.

He could hear the tree leaves whisper amongst one another around him, their tender words slipping into his ears and filling his skull with rose water. It was intoxicating and exceedingly comforting, the way the shift of the breeze tangled through his messy hair and rippled against the loose fabric of his clothing.

It was quiet.

It was good.

"Why are you crying?" a soft voice spoke from beside him. In other circumstances, maybe he would've turned and punched them out of shock, but instead, he opened his eyes and trained his gaze on the horizon line. The sun was melting into the ocean, the sky an oil painting of tangerine and mayan blue. The clouds were puffy and teeming with life, lazily drifting over the world below them.

Finally, Don averted his gaze to the person beside him. Richard was regarding him quietly, his expression tilted with slight concern. Don couldn't help but smile at him despite the warm presence of tears rolling down his cheeks. "It's finally over," he spoke, blinking as his vision blurred with tears. "It's finally over."

The young man turned away as he sniffed, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. He didn't entirely know why he was crying, but he had to admit, he was a little embarrassed.

Richard gently traced his fingers along Don's jawline before turning the jester's head towards him. Don looked up at Dick, failing to suppress the relieved laughter that escaped his as Richard brushed his tears away with his thumb. "Yeah," the taller man eventually spoke, not taking his eyes off Don. "It finally is."

Don took this time to truly drink in Richard's appearance. He was so used to seeing his partner tired, dark circles under his eyes and worry lines permanently etched in his face. Now, though, while they were still present, they were barely noticeable. The distant look that usually settled behind Dick's eyes was gone, replaced with an intense yet relaxed gaze; Don wondered quietly to himself in this moment if he was the only one Richard was truly seeing at this time. The thought alone made Don reach up and hold his partner close, curling the short hair on Richard's neck with his fingers.

"To be honest, I didn't think we'd ever make it," Don confessed, leaning into Dick's chest. He sighed, sniffling as Richard gently swayed.

"I gave up hope a long time ago," Richard whispered, making Don pull away and meet his gaze. The young man was smiling. "But I... I'm so glad I set my expectations so low." Don laughed as he chuckled, and the two brought their faces close to one another, touching foreheads. Don stood there like that, basking in the serenity of peace settling on his shoulders.

He didn't know when, but at some point, he started humming as Richard swayed. The distant sound of ocean waves served as background noise to the song Don hummed. It had no real meaning or any

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