First kiss redone

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The D Gang manor was in complete pandemonium, and dinner had only just started.

"What do you MEAN we only have four days left? We've been looking everywhere!" a pale cat lady exclaimed, red eyes ablaze. Ducy chucked a piece of her chicken at the dark-furred pug shielding himself from his enraged gang members.

"We've been trying the best we can!" a cat badger in a green button up shirt defended. Diliker pointed accusingly at the pug. "You can't cut us short now!"

"Well," chuckled Duni the pug, "you should have thought of that before making a fool of yourselves." A dinner plate barely missed his head.

Richard sat in his seat, tired and frankly bored of the battle unleashing in the dinning room. He'd already been through what these new members were going through, and he'd been here the longest out of all of them combined. They'd get used to being crushed and stretched beyond capability. One day, they all would just learn to accept it.

"This is stupid," snapped the cardinal across from him. LinDsey glowered at Duni, chattering her beak. "I don't see why you can't just go out and get it yourself."

Don shifted in his seat beside Dick, and he leaned over. "What are they talking about, again?" the jester whispered while the bickering continued. Richard shrugged and shook his head.

"I don't know nor do I care at this point," he answered with a sigh. Don groaned and sat back, pushing his food around his plate.

Richard glanced over as the woman beside him, Dashlie, stood up and walked out the room without a word. Her silver hair disappearing around the corner was the last thing he saw of her that night. Dick wished he could follow after her, but he'd been yelled at enough for leaving when he wasn't supposed to. Being on the taller side and wearing bright red was probably what caught Duni's eye every single time, which was weird because dogs are colorblind.

"Will you guys SHUT UP?" someone finally snapped, and, thankfully, everyone did as instructed. Dick glanced over to see the faceless fiend known as Davis standing from his seat, his expression invisible yet clearly radiating irritation. "Okay, yes, we have four days left to find this stupid rune. So? Why blow up now? Duni keeps pushing this on us! He clearly was going to shorten the deadline at any given moment! Tough shit! Can we just eat dinner in peace and discuss this later?"

It was quiet, but everyone settled down in their seats. Ducy reluctantly bit off the head of her asparagus she'd been preparing for ammo against Duni. Don propped his arms up on the table and rested his head in his hands. The jester narrowed his eyes at Davis. "How do you even eat? Does it, like... phase into your skull?" he asked. Diliker groaned.

"Can I be excused if we're going to be talking about the nature in which slenderman over here eats?" the cat grumbled. Don shifted his hands and gave a smile.

"Oooh, so polite of you, Dil Pickles. Asking to be excused? What a gentleman!" the elf remarked. Richard buried his head in his hands, waiting for this pounding headache to subside.

Diliker rose to his feet, supposedly to lunge at the jester, but his girlfriend caught his arm. "Not now, sweetie," Lucy the cat insisted. Diliker hissed at Don but sat down, which made the elf burst out laughing.

"Now, now, let's settle down," Duni said, pulling the attention to him. He cleared his throat and adjusted his eyepatch, which Dick found a bit disconcerting. "

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