TP Trees and House Parties [Donchard Oneshot] [1]

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I made the following for the 30 OTP challenge that I followed loosely back when I fractured my wrist and didn't want to write my normal stories. So I did this instead. Keep in mind I didn't do the entire thing and basically stopped writing when I got my brace off

     The quiet night grew undisturbed in the town of Maple Grove, the streets dimly lit by street lamps, lively chirping coming from the songs the crickets sang in the bushes. This peaceful night was a haven, sleep nestling into the people dozing off in their beds. However, the quietness spared one house, where a tall oak tree sitting in the front yard was decked by TP, the living room furniture making a sudden move to the lawn. The windows were lit up by pinkish-purple lights from the inside, and the muffled cry of house music thumped within the walls' confines. A drunk girl was sprawled out on the stone steps of the house, and a baby goat ran screaming from the garage door.

     Inside, things weren't any less wild. In fact, this was where the storm of the party raged, the entire first floor filled with teenagers mixing, mingling, and listening to the music that blasted from the Bluetooth stereo. The punch was spiked, and the air was foggy with the smoke that billowed from several partygoers' vape pens. Three drunk guys were gathered around the stereo, slurring the lyrics to the song playing. A few people joined in on the fun, and soon enough, almost everyone at the party was singing along to the music, one teenager hopping on top of the kitchen island and banging two pans against one another, earning several laughs from the people watching. The house was popping, and the mood was high above the clouds.

     And Don escaped all this by hiding out under the treehouse in the fenced backyard, watching anxiously as people dived into the pool and partook in beer pong. The bathroom had already been taken when he had his first panic attack a minute after he had arrived, so by the time he had reached his third panic attack, the teenager had escaped outside and hid behind the bushes. Now, as he sat by with his mind reeling and lungs promising another panic attack, Don checked the time to see if it would be appropriate to leave the party yet. He couldn't text his mom to pick his sorry ass up since he snuck out, and several of his acquaintances had already greeted him when he'd arrived, hindering him from leaving too early without being embarrassed. When Don saw he had only been at the house party for twenty minutes, the teenager died on the inside and sunk down, tree bark scratching the back of his hoodie as he launched into yet another tear-jerking panic attack.

     Then he heard the hatch of the treehouse above him open, which was followed by a familiar voice: "Hey, are you okay?"

     Though the answer was resounding no, Don wiped away his petty tears and looked up without answering, shocked to see the face of his friend. "Dick?" said Don, sitting up.

     "No thanks," responded the raven-haired boy. His face scrunched up as he smiled, making Don's anxiety fade away for a blissful moment. Very rarely did either of the two smile, but given the circumstances and Don's desperation to latch onto something good, the mood shifted and changed their expressions with it. Dick pulled back the hatch of the treehouse all the way and tilted his head. "What are you doing down there? Shouldn't you be enjoying the party?"

     "I could ask you the same thing," retaliated Don with a roll of his amber eyes. The dark-skinned male watched as Dick looked over his shoulder for a moment.

     "I was kind of kicked out my own house by Dashlie, you know?" explained Don's friend, who then shook his head. "Sisters, man..." Don gave a laugh, trying to relate even though he had no siblings. The young man above him studied Don for a second before sitting back. "Why don't you come up here? It beats sitting on the grass." The teenager thought for a moment before nodding his head, standing up and climbing the ladder.

     Dick closed the treehouse hatch when Don pulled himself inside the room. Don gazed at the poster-littered wall and beanbag chairs shoved at the back, a bookshelf tucked in the corner behind a hamper filled with old children's toys. Though several items along the shelves on the wall were dusty and covered by cobwebs, the treehouse room was cozy, lit up by fairy lights with dark blue and purple curtains drawn over the open windows. Don whistled as he sat on the fuzzy rug that reminded him of one you'd sit on when you were in elementary school. "Nice place you've got here," said Don as Dick crawled over to one of the beanbags and sat down.

     "Eh, it's alright," he said with a shrug, tossing a comic book on the rug into the bookshelf. "I only go here to escape my family and the outside world. Dashlie and I used to hang out here when we were younger, but I don't think she likes me all that much anymore." Dick sat back as Don threw himself onto the other beanbag. "I don't really let anyone else hang out here other than myself, but I guess I can make an acceptation." Dick smiled at Don, who sighed and sunk down in his seat.

     "This party blows," grumbled Don, covering his freckled face with his hands. Dick scoffed beside him.

     "Nice to see you, too," said Dick, rolling his red eyes. "In the words of Dashlie, 'Sucks to suck.' I recommend not coming back again. The music's awful, the alcohol is awful, the people are awful, and the consequences of coming to any of my sister's parties are awful."

     Don laughed and rubbed his tired eyes. "I should be in bed, but Duni said he'd break into my house and drag me here if I didn't go to this party." It was Dick's turn to chuckle.

     "Well, if your parents find out you were at a Dootzki party, you're screwed," he said. Then Dick gave a shrug and glanced at Don when he heard him groan. "You could say you were sleeping over at a friend's house."

     "That won't work, my mom is the kind of parent that's, like... she has to 'see it to believe it'."

     "That's dumb."

     "I know."

     "You could take a picture with me and say we were hanging out," suggested Dick. Don looked up to the ceiling.

     "And risk my dignity in saying I was with you?" laughed the teen. "No, thanks. I think I'll go with getting my ass removed from this earth for going to your sister's party."

     Dick snorted and smacked Don's shoulder. "Shut up!"

     Don suddenly took his phone out from nowhere and pointed it at his friend. "Say cheese!" he said, snapping a couple of pictures before Dick covered his face with his hands, his glasses going askew.

     "Asshole!" he cried, and snatched Don's phone from his hands. "Give me that!"

     Don made a noise that sounded like a drowning horse as he fell over in an attempt to hide from the camera. Dick cackled and tossed Don his phone, grabbing his own from his hoodie pocket. The two exchanged a war-like montage of taking each other's pictures before deciding to finally just take the selfies with each other. The first was them smiling, the second one where Don was pretending to strangle Dick, the third being one where Dick was punching Don in the face, the next was Don deflecting the punch by grabbing Dick's fist, another where they were staring at each other, and the final one being a falling image that blurred the fairy lights and showed the ceiling.

     Don stared at the floor, both his and Dick's faces red. The distant sound of house music still played as background noise, the symphony of crickets chirping under that sound. "Why'd you do that?" Don finally spoke, voice quiet. Dick was silent for a minute more.

     "I... I don't know, honestly..." he said quietly. The teen looked at Don, face flushing. "Sorry..."

     Don met his friend's eyes. "That was... pretty gay, bro," he said with a wry smile. "But ain't nothin' wrong with giving your homie a kiss."

     Dick smiled back and kissed Don on the cheek. "No homo," he said.

     Don narrowed his eyes and leaned away, studying Dick's face suspiciously as he wrapped his arms around Don. "Eh... Are you sure about that?" he doubted.

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