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"wait, so you're telling me that the girl that's been showing in your dreams is here?" Yuqi asks her best friend, unable to believe.

"YES" Shuhua answers her, "I've been telling you exactly that for an hour already!"

"and you're also telling me that it's that new girl Chou Tzuyu?" Yuqi asks her, lightly laughing.

"jeez! YES!" Shuhua frustratingly answered.

"Shu..that's impossible and even if it is true..it's not like she'll know who you are." Yuqi answers her and she sighed.

"okay, whatever." she says.

In her mind, Yuqi actually has a point. But it won't hurt her if she tries to befriend the new girl, right? Yep.

She really believes that Tzuyu somehow knows her. Not as of now, but maybe in the past life. Shuhua believes in reincarnation and all those past life stuffs, so what can hurt her if she gets close to Tzuyu? None.

Besides, how else could she have those dreams about them being together and in love if they never met each other in the past? It can't be just coincidence.

Shuhua sits back on her chair as she recalls one of her dreams.

"yah! share that ice cream with me Chou Tzuyu!!!!" she yells as she ran after the girl.

"nah! buy your own!!" she hears a response as she caught the girl.

"yaaaahhh!! what kind of a girlfriend are you????!" she asks as she stops the girl, both of them laughing.

"I'm someone you can never forget." Tzuyu answers her with a smile.

"tss..stop daydreaming about your dream now, will you?" Yuqi tells her.

"how did you even know what I was doing?!" she asks.

"duh..bro you're staring in space and had that creepy grin on your face..jeez, wipe it off." her best friend tells her.

"whatever..you're just like that coz you don't know what it feels like to be in love." she says, smirking at Yuqi.

"why? do YOU know how it feels?" Yuqi retorts.

"of course I do." she says as she remembered Tzuyu's smile.

"you think you do but you really don't Shu..that Tzuyu in your dream is not real. Wake up." Yuqi tells her but she playfully just copies her best friends' words.


'I hope she's in the same class as me. I hope she's in the same class as me. I hope she's in the same class as me.'

Shuhua had been repeating that in her head countless times already.

It's their last class for today and she somehow cross paths with the new girl Chou Tzuyu. Since then, she's been wishing she'd be classmates with her even for the last class.

"Shu..you're sweating a lot." Yuqi tells her.

"it's because I'm nervous." she answered.

"you're never nervous in class..especially during first day." Yuqi says, trying to follow Shuhua's gaze.

And indeed it landed towards the new girl.

"you're starting to be a creep Shu." Yuqi tells her, whispering.

"I'm not." she denies.

Her prayer's must have been answered since the new girl really then entered their classroom, eyes now scanning a vacant seat.

"go away Woogs." Shuhua suddenly tells her best friend.

"wait what?" Yuqi asks, confused.

"let her sit beside me." she tells Yuqi.

"what? no!" Yuqi whisper-yelled.

"come on Woogs." she pleaded.

However, Yuqi remained in her seat and Tzuyu now sees the vacant seat behind them two.

"I'll still sit with you but we can invite her to hangout with us. I can help you befriend her. You do not have that ability you know." Yuqi tells her.

"jeez..no need to slap me with that..but okay, thanks woogiiieee.." she says, smiling sweetly at her best friend.

"eww..stop that. I'm only doing this so you can stop being a creep..now act like a normal person, she's here." the girl tells her.

Tzuyu then came and sat behind Shuhua. Yuqi can tell that her best friend is too nervous to speak and this is the first time this ever happened. So helping her out in this situation is a must.

"hi, you're Chou Tzuyu..right?" Yuqi asks, starting a conversation with the new girl.

"yes." the new girl replied, shyness visible in her voice.

"okay..I'm Song Yuqi and this is my best friend, Yeh Shuhua." Yuqi said, introducing herself and as well as the tongue-tied girl beside her.

"hello, I'm Chou Tzuyu." the new girl said.

"say..do you wanna join us for coffee after class? there's a nearby café outside school, we can just hangout there..get to know each other. We can also tour you around the area if you're fine with it." she asks.

"yeah, sure..I'd love that." Tzuyu replies that made Shuhua smile.

And Yuqi saw just that.

'Shu is so in love.'

She thinks as she shook her head, smile showing. This version of nervous Shuhua is new to her and Yuqi thinks that finally, finally Shuhua is in love.

Meanwhile, three girls sitting on a tree far from them were watching all of their interactions.

"how is your girlfriend that dumb to fall in love with someone she met in her dreams?" short girl asks the taller girl beside her.

"she's not my girlfriend." the taller girl answers.

"not yet..but she will be." another girl says, voice coming from on top of them two.

"anyways, you know this is what they want..right? you showing up." the short girl asks.

"I'm well prepared now. I won't let them hurt her this time." taller girl replies.

"you mean, you'd be brave enough to confess this time? coz that's what should've happened years ago when she got hurt." the other girl says.

"sshh..don't talk about it just like that unnie." the short girl says.

"sorry Soo.." the other girl apologized.

"it's fine..whether I confessed years ago or not, they'd still do it." the taller girl answered.

"you're right." short girl agreed.

"I just hope history won't repeat itself." taller girl says as she suddenly disappeared.


NOTE: Soooo, what do you think? Comment your thoughts.

Also, I am not sure when I'll be able to update next.

Thank youuu :)

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