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"so, you'll stay here for good?" Shuhua finally opened her mouth to say something longer than two words once they exit the school grounds.

"I think so." Tzuyu answers her.

"you think so?" she asks as they walk side by side with Yuqi just being in front of them two.

"yes." the girl tells her.

Their conversation ended there as they neared the café.

A girl who is familiar with Yuqi and Shuhua greeted them at the cashier.

"hi guys!" the squirrel looking girl greets.

"hi Sana unnie." Shuhua greeted.

"hello unnie.. this is Chou Tzuyu, she's a new student here."

"oh, hi Tzuyu!!" the girl cheerfully greets.

"hello." Tzuyu greeted back with a smile.

They all successfully ordered their coffee's and snacks and then later on went to find where they can possibly take their seat.

"Minnie unnie said she'll be here in a moment, her class just ended." Yuqi said.

Minnie is their other best friend who only shares one class with them two, the girl's also friends with everyone even the new students so she already befriended Tzuyu even before Shuhua and Yuqi did.

They all chatted while they wait for the older girl.

Shuhua however can be seen spacing out just staring at Tzuyu.

'how can she be so real?'

She thinks as she smiled at how Tzuyu was laughing at something Yuqi said.

Minutes after, Minnie came and sat with them, ordering only a desert and milktea since she is not a fan of coffee.

"what's wrong unnie?" Shuhua asks Minnie.

She noticed how the girl is a bit off at this moment.

"well, I actually cross paths with an angel looking girl." Minnie started that made both Shuhua and Yuqi smirk.

"jeez..before you both smirk like that..let me tell you what happened." Minnie said.

"okay, okay..we're all ears." says Yuqi.

"so I'm on my way here when I cross paths with that angel looking girl..but like what I said, she's just an ANGEL LOOKING one..she's no angel at all..she laughed at me when I bumped myself into a post while I was texting you guys..she could've told me I'm about to get myself hurt you know..but she didn't!" Minnie ranted and they laughed, even Tzuyu.

"unnie.. she does not know you, how is she supposed to talk to you?" Yuqi asked.

"yeah right..then why on earth did she laughed at me without knowing who I am?" Minnie countered back.

"point taken." both Shuhua and Tzuyu said at the same time that made Minnie and Yuqi grin.

"what???!!" Shuhua asked, trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

"we're a bit in sync Shu." Tzuyu tells her with a smile and she feels herself blush even more.


"what's wrong with you unnie?" short girl asks the angel looking girl who is laughing so hard.

The angel looking girl just came home and sat in front of her, then suddenly she starts laughing like a creep. Now, it is bothering her.

"I saw someone bumped herself on the post earlier." the girl said, still laughing.

"and you're laughing because?" short girl asks.

"because it's funny!!!" the angel looking girl answers.

"yeah? is it?" third girl asked, emerging from a room, carrying something on her hand.

"what? you don't think it's funny?" angel looking girl asked.

"Miyeon unnie.. over the years, we all saw something more funny than that but it never made you laugh that much..what's the difference now?" the short girl ask.

"I mean, it was funny Soyeonnie..you'll laugh too if you saw it." girl named Miyeon said.

"okay unnie, okay." short girl named Soyeon said with a smirk on her face.

"anyways, remember what we can and cannot do in school starting tomorrow..okay?" third girl asks, drinking something coloured as red.

"yes moooooom Soojin." Miyeon said like a child.

Third girl named Soojin can just roll her eyes at that.

'I'd give up everything just to make sure you're safe this time, my angel.'

She thinks as she stares into nothing.


"we'll see you tomorrow in class Tzuyu!" Yuqi said.

"okay Yuqi." Tzuyu answers with a smile.

"oh! you can join us for lunch if you want." Minnie offered and Shuhua felt very happy with that.

"that's great..thank you Minnie unnie." Tzuyu answered.

"bye Tzuyu!" Minnie and Yuqi both said.

"bye..also, bye Shu." Tzuyu replied, catching Shuhua's stare.

Shuhua swore she's about to pass out because of that.

They were about to part ways with her not saying anything at all. Until she couldn't take it.

She turned around and ran towards Tzuyu.

"Tzuyu!" she calls as the girl stops and turned to face her.

"what can make you stay here for good?" she asks.

It's a question she's been thinking for hours now.

"maybe someone can make me do that..I don't know." Tzuyu answers her, smiling and she smiled back.

"okay..see you tomorrow Tzuyu!"

She said as the girl replied back. She watched as Tzuyu walk far from her.

'I'll be the one to make you stay.'


NOTE: I am writing this story still plus I am also working so I am mostly busy..so please be patient with me everyone!! :) Thank you <3

Have a nice afternoonnn!!!!! ^^
God bless everyone :)

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