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"YOU DID WHAT???" Soyeon half yelled as soon as Soojin's done saying her piece.

"I confessed to her." Soojin calmly says again, trying to sit comfortably in her chair.

"and she reacted, how?" Miyeon asks.

Soojin sighed and told them what happened.


"Shu. I love you." she says.

"S-Soojin." Shuhua reacted, looking at her with unknown emotions in her eyes.

"it's hard to explain why I do. but please believe that this is hard for me to do.." she says.

Observing Shuhua's reaction, she right away said what's on her mind.

"I meant it in a way that I do not know how to admit it. I am the type to have a hard time in explaining what I feel coz I don't know what words I should say, I don't know how I'll organize my thoughts. It's a mess." she says. "but I mean it when I say I love you. I really do Shu." she added.

She watch as Shuhua just stands there, looking straight at her.

She wonders, should she ask Shuhua to be hers? Should she ask if the girl feels the same? Will she ask for the girl's permission to court her first? What should she do?

She wants the best for Shuhua.

"I'm not rushing. I can court you and make you see that what I feel for you is genuine. I can wait even for a thousand lifetimes for you Shu." she says what she feels.

"o-okay." the girl says.

It's her turn to stand there and just stare at Shuhua.

'just what does OKAY mean?!!'

"that means?" she decides to ask.

Shuhua chuckled at that before answering, "you can court me...---" Soojin smiled wide at that, but her smile slowly faded when she heard what Shuhua's next words were, "but Tzuyu confessed to me too."

End of flashback

"so? what is she trying to say????" Soyeon asks confused.

"she does not know what she's feeling. Shu's confused." Miyeon answers.

Soojin and Soyeon looked at her.

"Tzuyu confessed to her, that girls been on her mind since she can remember.. her dream girl. and then there's Soojin. the new girl. she's confused coz according to her dreams, she's supposed to be in love with Tzuyu, no questions asks. But then it's now all so unsure because her true feelings is showing.. what her heart truly desire is Soojin. She's in love with Soojin for real." she continues to analyze things.

"but she's the type to not want to hurt anyone." Soojin says.

"so she's giving you a chance all the while trying to figure out what she's really feeling." Soyeon then said.

"poor Shuhua." Miyeon said with a sigh.


Seulgi and Joohyun sat on the farthest seat away from Tzuyu inside a coffee shop.

They've been watching as the girl is busy reading books, trying to listen if ever she makes calls on someone for hours already.

And she sure did.

In a few minutes now, Sana will see her and that means Seungwan will be joining them too.


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