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"we got nothing." Seulgi said as soon as she entered their house, followed by Joohyun and Seungwan.

Miyeon sighed at her words before saying, "Tzuyu is really good at hiding things."

"yeah, but she can't hide things forever." Soyeon who was drinking from the blood bag says.

"also, one of Shuhua's friends is in my class..I personally think she's safe." Seungwan suddenly said.

"who?" Miyeon asked.

"Minnie. I did not mention it earlier when we were in school coz I was thinking it all by myself..but based on my small interaction with her, I think she's not the witch." Seungwan explained.

"oh, Minnie's that girl who bumped herself, right?" Miyeon asks, lightly laughing as she remembers what happened.

"yep, that's her." Soyeon answered, meanwhile, the three were confused as to what Miyeon meant.

Miyeon then told them what happened and the three couldn't help but laugh at it a bit.

"it was really funny." Miyeon said as she finished telling the story.

Later on, their conversation went really serious. It is still a wonder to them who the witch is, but if Minnie's clear for Seungwan, then only one person from Shuhua's friends is left. And they're about to find out if she really is a witch.

"tomorrow is the day for that." Soojin concluded as she closes her book.


The next day, both groups are present inside the cafeteria for breakfast. Their table's far from each other yet somehow Shuhua is sitting in a place where she's able to see Soojin.

And she's not liking the view at all.

'just who is this girl leaning its head on her shoulder?'

She questions herself.

"they all seem good people." Yuqi suddenly say.

"yep. actually, Seungwan's in my class. she's kind, pretty and really talented." Minnie said and Shuhua turned her attention to her.

"Seungwan?" she asked.

"that girl leaning her head on Soojin's shoulder, her name's Seungwan." Minnie explained with a smile.

'so Seungwan is her name. is she close friends with Soojin?'

Shuhua asks herself.

"talented?" Tzuyu asks.

The girl is still pretending to not know anyone.

"yes.. since she's a new student, our prof wanted to welcome her by making her sing..and her voice, it's the best." Minnie explained.

"oh.. a talented new girl. I wonder if she'll join the club." Yuqi asks.

"I hope she will..her voice is a good addition to our club." Minnie said.

Shuhua just listened to all of their conversation.

In conclusion, Seungwan seems to be an amazing student and a good person.

Somehow, she feels threatened.

'Everyday I am being weird.'


"Shuhua looks like she'll eat you alive Seungwannie." Joohyun said.

Seungwan smiled and moved her head away from Soojin's shoulder.

"it means my plan is working." Seungwan said.

"it sure is." Miyeon said as she shakes her head.

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