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NOTE: Just kidding. It didn't end like that.


"YAAAH!!! YEH SHUHUA! WAKE UP!" Song Yuqi shook the girl awake.

"Oh My God!!!" Shuhua yells as she sat up from her bed.

"are you okay? you were having a bad dream!" Minnie's voice asked her in panic.

Shuhua studied surroundings.

She's in her room.

No one's bloody.

Everything's okay.

"we're not dead." Shuhua says.

"what?" Minnie asks, confused.

She then told them her dream and instead of making her feel better, they started laughing at her.

"this is what I mean on not letting you watch all Twilight movies! You will have nightmares!" Minnie says, scolding her afterwards.

"But, is it really just my dream?" Shuhua asks.

"of course!" Minnie answered back.

"prepare for school, we still have time to have breakfast with the girls..let's tell them about your dream and see how they react." Yuqi suggested as she pulled Shuhua out from her bed, lightly pushing her towards her bathroom.


They arrived at their school. No unusual feeling. The aura is light.

The first person Shuhua saw as soon as she entered the school gates was Jennie Kim, their Student Council President.

Then, she heard their names being yelled at the entrance and as she followed the voice, she saw Miyeon, Soyeon and Soojin.

Soojin smiled at her and opened her arms, expecting her to run in and hug her..which she really did.

"Soojin!!!!" she says, hugging the girl closer.

She breathed in the scent of the girl.

'she's here.'

She tells herself.

"what's wrong baobei?" the girl asks her.

She shook her head as she buried herself more in Soojin's embrace.

"jeez.. quit that now. let's go see the others." she hears Miyeon say and they went inside the school.

Shuhua clinging on to Soojin. As soon as they walked ahead, she saw Hui, the Student Council Vice-President.

'why was his role in my dream like that?'

She asks herself.

Both Jennie Kim and Hui, she's not close with any of them, so why did she dream about them like that?

It's weird.

"over here!" she heard a familiar voice call them when they entered the cafeteria.

She saw Seungwan, Seulgi, Joohyun, Yeri and Joy together with Tzuyu and Sana in one place.

The girls are all from the higher year, Seulgi, Joohyun being Soojin's team member as they are all dancers while Seungwan, Yeri and Joy are from Minnie, Miyeon and Yuqi's singing club. Sana and Tzuyu are both with her in theater club.

She let out a chuckle when she realized how stupid her dream was.

When they sat down, Yuqi told her to tell everyone what happened to her dream and so she did.

"yah! what dream was that?" Yeri asks laughing.

They ate their breakfast like that, sharing their thoughts about Shuhua's dream.

Until the bell started ringing.

"let's go?" Soojin asks her.

She nodded and the girl helps her up.

"hey Shu." Soojin calls her just before they part ways, each have classes in different floors.


"I'm not a vampire, but I promise you that I will love you for all of my lifetimes." the girl tells her, cheeks painted red.

She smiled at her girlfriend's words.

"see you later!" the girl added as she ran towards her class.

Shuhua stood there, still smiling.

"I will love you for all of your lifetimes too Jinjin." she says as her eyes change its color.



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