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Shuhua's been staring at her ceiling for hours now. Still thinking about Tzuyu's confession the night before.


Tzuyu felt the cold wind hit her shoulders as she walks somewhere with Tzuyu beside her.

The girl called her and told her to meet her outside her home. She was amazed at how pretty and calm Tzuyu looked, like how she actually does everyday.

But she also noticed how the girl looked nervous and she wonders why.

"here." Tzuyu says as she wraps Shuhua with her coat.

"t-thanks." Shuhua says, her face red.

They sat down on a bench not far from Shuhua's home.


It is the comforting type.

"Shu." Tzuyu calls her and she looks at the girl.

"I know we've known each other for only a short time. But I cannot stop this feeling. I love you Shu. Please be mine?" Shuhua's world stopped at that.

"w-what?" She asked, confused. However, Tzuyu did not say anything and just looked at her.

After awhile. Tzuyu spoke again.

"you don't have to answer me right away. I can wait." she says.

Shuhua finally calmed her heart after that.

End of flashback

So yes. Chou Tzuyu, her dream girl, her first love actually confessed to her.

She's imagined a scene in which she'll confess her feelings for the girl but never the scene in which the opposite happens.

She feels like she's floating. Her heart still beating fast whenever she recalls what happened.

She could've right away said yes. But she does not know what stopped her.

"Shuuuuuu!!!" came from a voice outside her room. Yuqi's voice.

"what?" she asks as she diverts her attention from her ceiling, looking at the girl who right away entered her room.

"I asked Soyeon and her group of friends to go to the mall." The girl says.

Her group of friends. Soojin.

'what about Soojin hmm? what's wrong with me?'

She asks herself.

"are you even listening?" Yuqi asks again, clearly annoyed a bit.

"what?" she asks, not bothered at all.

"oh my gosh!! I said! I asked Soyeon for a date but chickened out so I said with the group instead!!!!! so now, you and Minnie will have to come with me!" Yuqi explained, yelling.

"yah! your yelling can be heard even from downstairs Song Yuqi!" she heard anothee voice nearing her room.

"here I thought you've grown courage to confess and ask your girl for a date..but no..tss. you chickened out and even included us." Minnie said.

"I knoooow! what can I do? Soyeon's just too cool. There's something about her that makes me panic!" Yuqi still yells.

"yeah, GAY panic you mean." Shuhua says, chuckling as she sits from her position.

She decided this mall thing will help her stop thinking about Tzuyu's confession for awhile. She's sure she'll say yes anyways.

"oh, did you invite Tzuyu?" she asks as she stands.

"I did. But she said she'll be busy studying for a quiz. She also said we all should take care, especially you." Yuqi said, calm now.

"about that. how are you and Tzuyu?" Minnie asks.

"we're fine. everyday, my feelings grow strong for her." she says with a smile.


Another chapter :)

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