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"Soyeonnie!!!" Yuqi called out as soon as she saw the girl walk inside the place with Soojin and Miyeon beside her.

"jeez. do you have to yell?" Soyeon asks as she approached the table, Yuqi awkwardly laughed.

Shuhua's heart beating wild again. Just seeing Soojin makes her question everything.


After their small greetings and snacks. The group then decided to watch a movie.

"Shu. Can we sit together?" Soojin asks and she nodded.

She have to deal with her weird feelings later. Right now, movie is what she'll focus.

After all, she's still sure she'll say yes to Tzuyu.


Soojin tried her best to stay focused watching the movie. But her thoughts. It's all filled with Shuhua.

Like a rewind. Her thoughts went back to her old memories with the past Shuhua.


"Jinjin!!!!" a loud girl calls her from afar.

She rolls her eyes as soon as she heard it, but she still stops walking. Patiently waiting for the girl.

"hi Jinjin!!!" the girl calls her again.

"why do you keep calling me that?" she asks as they now walk together. The girl holding her arm.

"it's cute." says the girl and she once again rolled her eyes.

"Jinjin?" the girl calls her, a different tone this time.

"hmm?" she answers.

"will you ever love me back?"

"Not a chance." she answers.

End of flashback

That girl died without knowing her true feelings.


After watching a movie. They decided to go play. Enjoy some more hours together.

Soojin's still absorbed in her own world even when she's playing and spending time with them, still reminiscing everything.


"why did you fall for me?" She asks the girl.

"hmm. does it ever have to have a reason?" the girl replies.

"everything needs a reason." she answers.

"well. let's just say I first noticed you coz you're mysterious.. and then that made me want to get to know you and I did. I found out many qualities I got fond of about you. Then I realized I love you. I don't exactly know how or why. I just know that I do. I just know that even if those basic things and reasons I have, if one day they'll be gone or will change, I'd still love you. Love is hard to describe. You cannot compare it with anyone. Once you start feeling it, that's it." the girl tells her.

"why do you ask? do you love me already?"

End of flashback

Thinking about the past weeks spent with this Shuhua being annoyed at a certain game as of the moment.

She starts to recall what kind of a person the girl is.

Yeh Shuhua have a perfect copy of her Shuhua before, physically.

But this Shuhua is not as bubbly as her. This Shuhua is not as clingy as her. Not as sweet as her. This Shuhua is not as amazing and patient as her. This Shuhua is way different from her in so many ways.

But this Shuhua made her feel the same feeling she felt before. Actually, even more than what she actually felt before.

She cannot describe it. She cannot explain it. She feels confused.

Flashback continuation

"I don't. I just want to know why you fell for me when in fact, there's a lot more better than me." she says.

"there's a lot of them that's better than you, yes. but they are not you. I love you and not them." Shuhua said, smiling sweetly at her.

End of flashback

"argh!! this is stupid!" Shuhua said as she glared at the gaming machine.

She watched as the girl walked away from the machine, coming closer to where she is.

"I'll go to the restroom, I'll be back." the girl says, still annoyed.

She nodded and watched as the girl got far away.

"Soo?" she hears Miyeon's voice approaching her.


"I have a question for you."

"what is it?"

"I have been meaning to ask you this and I feel like now is the right time." Miyeon started. She nodded, giving the girl the sign to continue.

"do you wanna save her because you'll feel guilty if things will end the same way as before or you want to save her because you are already in love with her?"

She looked at Miyeon when she asked that question. A smile slowly forming in her face.

Everything making sense now. She knows what she's really feeling now.

"I am already in love with her." she answered.

"that's what I thought." Miyeon said, tapping her shoulder, walking away towards where Minnie is.

'I loved you before Shu. And I am in love with this different Shuhua now.'


Shuhua still feels annoyed at that game. She's sure she'll come back and ruin that game now.

However, when she went out from the restroom. She saw someone she never expected to be there waiting for her.

"Shu. I love you." that someone tells her.

"S-Soojin." she says, holding at the wall for dear life.

'Just what did I get myself in to?'


Last update for today :)

God bless everyone ^^

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