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Miyeon and Soyeon decided to look for Soojin and they found the girl inside the cafeteria, sitting alone in a corner.

As soon as they entered, they immediately caught sight of Shuhua eating with her friends.

"she's here." Soyeon said and Miyeon's smirk upon seeing Minnie vanished when she saw who Soyeon meant.

"the nerve of her to stay that close to Shu." Miyeon spoke, voice filled with anger.

"I know..but we have to stay lowkey right now." Soyeon said.

"come on, let's buy lunch and head to where Soo is." Soyeon then added.

As they walk their way towards the cashier. Miyeon and Tzuyu's gaze landed on each other making the former feel anger again.

"calm down Miyeon unnie." Soyeon said as they walk pass their table.

They then successfully buy their lunch and headed to where Soojin is.

"Soo." Soyeon called, sitting in front of Soojin.

"I'm sorry about earlier Soo." Miyeon said, sitting beside the girl.

"it's okay unnie." Soojin replied and continued eating her lunch.


Shuhua happily eats her lunch as she's talking to Tzuyu, until her eyes caught sight of someone she is familiar with.

The longer she stared, the more she feels like she's being pulled towards that person. At last, the said person looked at her direction and their eyes stared at each other.

She then smiled and she as well saw how the girl smiled at her too.


She thinks as she then saw the girl look elsewhere, so she followed the girl's gaze and the latter's talking to her friends already.

"Shuhua?" Tzuyu calls her attention and so she right away looked at the girl.

"yes?" she asks.

"I was asking if you'd like me to buy you too another bottle of water."

"oh, it's fine..no need Tzuyu." she answered with a smile.

"okay then, I'll be back." the girl says and stood before turning her back against her, walking towards the cashier.

"you were too busy staring at the other new girl Shu." Yuqi tells her.

"I wasn't." she denies.

"yeah right.. I saw it too. who is she?" Minnie then asks.

"she's Soojin, we met each other earlier..she asked where room MOO712 is and I told her I'll walk her there.." Shuhua explained.

"oh.. Soojin..okay." Minnie says and Shuhua nodded.

After awhile, Tzuyu came back and they all continued to talk until they decided to go towards their room's already.

With one last glance at Soojin, Shuhua then walked beside Tzuyu as they exited the cafeteria.


"what's the plan now Soo?" Soyeon asks Soojin.

"I'll have to befriend her." the girl answers.

"how?" Miyeon asks.

"that I'll have to find out." Soojin answers.

'I'll keep you safe this time Shu.'


Shuhua entered the library and sat on her usual seat, the one that's far from everyone else. She then took her diary out, planning to write her entry for today.


Tzuyu stopped occupying my dreams since I saw her for real yesterday. I am so glad that the girl in my dreams finally came to life but I am still confuse as to why I was seeing her. I have questions in my head, questions I cannot even ask her. How would she know, right?

When she finished writing, she closed her diary and sighed.

Her mind then started thinking of Soojin.

She remembered how the girl smiled at her and the feeling of familiarity right away came to her. But then she does not know why. She never saw the girl once in her life. Or maybe she at some point cross paths with her and she does not remember her.

"Shuhua?" a low voice calls from behind her and Shuhua felt her heart beat fast.

When she turned to look who the person is, she saw Soojin smiling at her.

"hi." Shuhua says with again an awkward smile.

"are you going to stay here for long?" Soojin asks her.

"well yeah.. I'm waiting for my friend. why?" she asks.

"oh, you are?" Soojin asks too, "I was going to ask if I can share the table with you." she followed.

Shuhua does not know why but she felt joy upon hearing Soojin's words.

"of course you can.. Minnie unnie's class will end around 6 so it's fine." she said and the girl smiled at her.

"okay, thank you Shuhua." Soojin said as she sat in front of her.

The girl started minding her own business, reading books about History and Shuhua, as much as she tried not to, her eyes keeps on glancing towards the girl.

'I guess I just want to be her friend.'

She says in her mind as she nodded to herself.


NOTE: So this is chapter 5. Thoughts everyone? ^^

Also, thank you so much for reading this. May we all be blessed :)

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