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Shuhua decided to stay outside of her home. Breathe the fresh air. Think about what she really feels.

'It shouldn't be a question. It should just be Tzuyu.'

She thinks.

Her mind went back to when Tzuyu confessed to her and then to when Soojin did it.

"In another life, will Soojin wait for me?" she asks herself as she chuckled.

"this isn't like a movie. this is real life." she told herself.


She did not have the time to finish her thoughts when suddenly, someone showed up in front of her.

She did not have the time to register what is happening when the person who showed up suddenly had red eyes and is looking straight at her.

"HELP!!!" was what she can yell as that person took her.


Waking up. She looked around the place. It looks clean, not what she expected.

It's an empty room with lights on, the place gives off a sad vibe. A lonely one.

Suddenly, she heard the door being opened and a figure showed up.

"hello there, human." the person says.

"you might be wondering who I am." he added.

"I'm Hui, the King of all vampires." he said.

Shuhua will laugh at him if she did not see him just changed his eye color and showed his fangs. But he did.

His aura scared her.

"you might now know how big of a deal this is for me, but your life will save me." he explained.

"As a King, someone's presence is a threat in my ruling. And you, Yeh Shuhua, will be the way for that threat to vanish. So, if you work with me, things will be okay and you'll be saved." he said.

Shuhua is not stupid. Even when she thinks this can all be just a prank, a show, a dream. She knows deep within her that this all is true.

It was what her dreams consists of the past days. Blood. Vampires. Tzuyu. Soojin.

"Is it Tzuyu that you want?" she decided to ask.

"or is it Soojin?" she added.

"oh. you must know something then?" the King asked.

"I've seen it in my dreams." she said.

"I see." the King nodded.

"well then, yes, it's Soojin. I need her in exchange for your safety. If you're smart, you know what to choose." he added with a smile before exiting the room.

Shuhua sat there, scared, lonely.

One day, she's dreaming about butterflies, the next she's seen Tzuyu, she's in love. Then blood, vampires, monsters. Soojin.

"part of me wants to believe this is just a dream." she says as she suddenly feels sleepy.

It's the effect of the gas that the King sprayed inside that made her sleepy.

Unknown to them enemies, making her sleep helps Sana visit her in her dreams.

"Shu." Sana calls her.

"Shuhua." the girl calls her again.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw nothing but white.

"this is Sana. I am the one that's making you dream of Tzuyu. I've been controlling your dreams ever since we met. For that, I'm sorry. but I have somethinh to tell you now, it's important." Sana tells her.

"we will come and rescue you. but for the mean time, do what the King wants you to do."

"he wants me to give Soojin in exchange for my life. do you expect me to agree to him?" she asks back.

"Soojin says you should." Sana tells her.

Shuhua got shocked at that. Coz why? Why will she let that happen?

"follow what your heart desires. I will no longer control your dreams and emotions. you're free now Shu. be safe. we will come and save you."

Shuhua wakes up again.

She touches her cheeks and found herself crying.

Her heart aches for no reason.

'follow what your heart desires. I will no longer control your dreams and emotions. you're free now Shu. be safe. we will come and save you.'

Just like Sana's words, she feels herself being free from things that's holding her back.

"Jinjin." she says as she tries to feel her heart beat.


NOTE: The end is near!

I hope you all are still with me through this journey.

Thank you everyone :)

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