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The bell started ringing and so Soojin packed her things and went out of the room. She was shocked upon seeing who was waiting for her though.

"Shuhua?" she asked the girl standing outside, clearly waiting for someone else.

"hi.. ahm, I was just wondering if you have anyone to eat lunch with? my friends and I wants to invite you." Shuhua said and Soojin smiled.

"thanks Shuhua but I actually have my friends waiting for me too." Soojin said.

"but if you like, we can maybe arrange our groups to eat lunch together tomorrow?" she suggested.

In that way, they all can study who among Shuhua's friends is causing her to dream about Tzuyu. Whoever that is can as well know how strong their force will be in case things happen.

Like. Joohyun, Seulgi and Seungwan are way too powerful vampires. They can't be defeated easily.

"oh sure! I'd love that!" Shuhua answered her, smiling.

"okay then..it's settled. I'll reserve extra seats for you and your friends tomorrow. 3 right?" Soojin asks, really not including Tzuyu.

"nope, 4 actually.. we have another new student with us. she's chill to be with so it'll be fine." Shuhua said as they slowly walk together now.

Soojin almost rolled her eyes at Shuhua's words but she held it in.

"oh, okay..my friends' pretty chill too. so, see you tomorrow?" Soojin asks and Shuhua stopped walking and looked at her.

"see you Soojin." and then they started parting ways.

How on earth Shuhua decided to ask her that? she has no clue. But the thought that the girl actually waited for her makes her smile nonstop.

"I see you had a moment with her eh." suddenly Seungwan's voice was heard.

"you heard everything?" Soojin asked as Seungwan nodded, making her shake her head.

"well..we have to be extra attentive tomorrow." Soojin said as Seungwan nodded and held her hand, pulling her towards the direction of the cafeteria.

"is the pulling necessary?" Soojin asks, chuckling.

"yes..coz I haven't eaten anything yet. I need food." Seungwan explained.

One would think it is a cute conversation, well, not unless they figure out Seungwan's not talking about a pure human food.. but instead is actually talking about a human food mixed with human blood they sneaked inside the school premises.


"where were you?" Yuqi asked Shuhua who just met up with them outside their room.

"you just suddenly ran out after we were dismissed." Tzuyu said.

"I had to go to a friend. I was hoping I can invite her for lunch but she's spending it with her friends already." Shuhua said and Yuqi right away know who she meant.

Tzuyu as well know of course. But she's pretending she does not know so....

"oh? so is that why you're sad?" Yuqi asks, clearly just teasing Shuhua.

"nah..of course not. Anyways, she offered that we eat with them tomorrow and I agreed." Shuhua said as they three walked towards Minnie's class.

"that's good then..I'll get to know that cute girl's name." Yuqi said.

"who?" both Tzuyu and Shuhua asked that made Yuqi panicked.

"ha??? no one!" she said and suddenly ran.

"you heard that right?" Shuhua asked Tzuyu and the girl nodded with a smile.

Somehow, that smile did not do anything to make Shuhua feel butterflies anymore.

And that's bad.

Her dream consists of Tzuyu and she thinks she's in love, now the girl is actually around in real life, yet she's starting to feel nothing.

It is weird. She's scared now.


"soooo.. she asked you to join her?" Joohyun asked.

"yes but I declined.. tomorrow is another story though. we have to unfortunately eat with Tzuyu." Soojin said.

"argh..that girl again." Miyeon said, clearly not liking it.

"we have no choice..we have to move quick." Soyeon said.

"also, I'll follow Tzuyu around later." Seungwan suddenly said.

"she could be possibly talking to Shuhua's friend, we can get a lead." she explained.

"I'll come with you then." Seulgi said.

"I'll go too.. you three can just look after Shuhua." Joohyun suggested and they agreed.

Looking from afar, nobody would think these individuals are actually vampires. They're just out there sitting under a tree, talking about who knows what.

But then again. No one should know who they really are.

"Gosh! how are they all so pretty??!!!" a girl clearly fangirling from afar said.

"jeez..stop that Yuju-yah.. we have to practice soccer now!" another girl says, pulling Yuju away.

"but tell me you agree first Yerin-ah." Yuju says, letting herself be pulled.

"I do, I do..don't worry." the girl Yerin said with a smile.


NOTE: ANOTHER UPDATE..tho this is kinda boring. sorry to those still reading this :/ and THANK YOU <3


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