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Three students entered the school premises and everyone looked at them. Who wouldn't when all of their looks are to die for?

The three immediately went to get their schedules and as they went out the three of them talked.

"let's go eat?"


They then went towards the cafeteria and ordered food for themselves.

As the three were eating, two other students walked in.

"they're here."

"don't mind them."


After eating, the three stood and left the place heading towards their rooms. One of them has a smirk on her face.


"why are new people pretty?" Yuqi asks Minnie.

"who?" Minnie asks as she directly went to choose for her food.

"it's all over the school, there are new students other than Tzuyu." Yuqi said.

"oh?" Minnie said back as she paid for her meal.

Yuqi as well ordered her own food. When they finally settled to their chosen seats, Minnie spoke.

"are they here?" Minnie asks.

"yes! do you wanna make friends with them?" Yuqi asks as Minnie nodded. After all, Minnie is super friendly.

"great! they're over there! just four tables from here." Yuqi said, trying not to point at the new students.

When Minnie looked behind them, she right away stopped smiling.

She saw two unfamiliar people and one very familiar one.

Their eyes caught each other for a second before Minnie looked away.

"so, you wanna head there?" Yuqi asks.

"no." Minnie answered, aura changing a bit that made Yuqi wonder.

"why?" girl curiously asked.

"one of them was the angel looking one I mentioned yesterday." Minnie said and Yuqi right away focused her eyes towards the three new students.

'First girl's kinda into the sexy and yet mysterious look. Second's kinda into strong yet smol look. And then the last one, hmm..indeed an angel looking.'

Yuqi thinks as she studied the three's faces.

"she looks like she won't hold a grudge towards anyone." Yuqi said.

"yeah? probably coz I am the one that's holding a grudge." Minnie said as she starts eating her food.

Yuqi chuckled at that before eating her food as well.

"you're not going to make friends with them?" she asks.

"I will..except for that girl." Minnie answers as Yuqi shrugged.

While eating, Yuqi suddenly had a thought.

'second one is kinda my type.' and she laughed at that.

"are you going crazy?" Minnie asks her.

"nah..just remembered something." she lied as Minnie nodded, not digging deeper into it since she kinda feel annoyed already.


Shuhua was about to enter her room when she suddenly hears a voice from behind her.

"excuse me!" Shuhua immediately stops at that. She turned to look behind her and found a gorgeous girl standing, looking so shy and sexy at the same time coz of the girl's sexy red lips.

'wait what?'

She comes back to her senses when she realizes she just checked how pretty and sexy the girl is.

'I always knew I'm not straight..but what is this thinking? I should only think of Tzuyu.'

She says on her mind as she awkwardly smiles at the girl.

"yes?" she asks.

"I'm new here and I'm lost..I just wanna ask if you know where room MOO712 is?" the girl asks.

"yep!" Shuhua regained her composure and answers the girl.

"where?" the girl asks.

"I can just send you there if it's fine with you." Shuhua said.

She's actually also friendly, just that Tzuyu makes her shy. It's her dream girl after all, literal dream girl that is.

"it's too much of a bother." the girl tells her and Shuhua shook her head.

"it's not. I'm Shuhua by the way." Shuhua said as she offers her hand.

"okay, thank you. I'm Soojin." the girl says and shook Shuhua's hand.

The two then walked together.

Unknown to them, a girl was looking at them from afar.

"she's finally here."


NOTE: Finally finished the third chapter :) thoughts?

I hope you all are liking this so far. Thank you and God bless :)

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