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A whole week passed by peacefully. Soojin together with her group of friends and Shuhua became close. Shuhua's friends slowly became close to them as well. Of course, it's with the exception of Tzuyu. But so far, there's no chaos or any sort of heated moments.

Well. Except that one time when both Tzuyu and Soojin came to the theater room to watch Shuhua practice her drama.


Soojin entered the place, a bottled water in hand. A smile on her face as she thinks of Shuhua. That girl used to feel so happy just by seeing her. At least the passed Shuhua does. This Shuhua now seems like she's completely fallen for Tzuyu. And that breaks her.

As she sat on an empty seat a bit far from the stage, she watched what the girl is doing.

Shuhua's acting skills is not a joke. One can tell it is what she loves. And she feels proud.

After the practice, a short break happened. It's her turn to be seen now.

"Shuhua." she calls as she approaches the girl.

"oh. hi Jinjin." the girl calls her.

She chose to hide the feeling of disappointment when she heard the girl call her that in such a plain voice.

Shuhua before says it with much love and affection. This Shuhua now doesn't.

"hi. for you." she said as she handed the bottled water.

"oh. ahm." Shuhua seemed like she does not know what to say.

"Shu! sorry I came back late." from behind, Soojin heard the familiar voice.

"hi Tzuyu!" she heard Shuhua say in that happy tone she used to hear from the passed Shuhua.

"here's your bottled water." Tzuyu said that made Soojin look towards the girl approaching them.

"thank you Tzu." Shuhua said.

"how about my bottled water Shu?" she chose to ask.

"right! thank you too Ji-" Shuhua was cut off when Soojin decided to speak again.

"you can drink mine. it's for sure safer anyway." she says and Shuhua looked at her with questioning eyes.

"what do you mean?" the girl asks her.

"she probably meant it's safe coz it's not a cold water. it's good for your voice since you've been talking, practicing your part." Tzuyu explained.

"but I also got you some snacks so you can also eat while you drink her water." Tzuyu added that almost made Soojin roll her eyes.

"oh. okay. thank you guys." Shuhua cluelessly responded.

She sat down and offered the two to do the same. She just sat there, eating and drinking what the two gave her.

Unknown to her. Both Soojin and Tzuyu had been staring and throwing daggers at each other.

End of Flashback

That moment was a lightly heated one. They both were for sure thinking of how to end each others lives without Shuhua knowing.

Sitting alone in her room now. Soojin wonders how will she make Shuhua love her again. Just like the old times.

"Yuqi invited the group to go to the mall." Soyeon said as she enters her room with Miyeon behind her.

She did not say anything but it's easy to tell she's wondering if Shuhua will come too.

"and Shuhua will come too." Miyeon said, smiling.

She then nodded.

"Tzuyu?" She asked.

"well, I already asked and Minnie said the girl won't be there." Miyeon answered.

Soojin and Soyeon ended up looking at her. Why is she talking to Minnie? Are they now officially friends?

"since when did you two start talking?" Soyeon asked.

"we always talk. we're friends already." Miyeon answered, still with a smile. She's currently holding her phone, probably chatting Minnie.

"why do you look suspicious?" Soyeon asked.

"huh? what do you mean?"

"do you have feelings for Minnie?" Soojin directly asked.

Miyeon stopped typing and looked at Soojin first before looking at Soyeon.

"I don't?" she answers. But they all know it was a question, she herself isn't sure.

"I-I don't know." she added as she sighed and sat on Soojin's bed.

"it's not bad to have feelings for someone. but let's not forget that we're not like them. we're not humans." Soyeon said, voicing out her thoughts.

Both Soojin and Miyeon sighed at that.


"See you guys later. Be careful." Seungwan said as she waved at Soojin, Miyeon and Soyeon goodbye.

The three decided not to go with them. Seulgi and Joohyun lied saying they'd be going on a date together while Seungwan said she'd visit the bickering couple Yeri and Joy but in reality, they'll be doing something else.

Seungwan will watch over Sana's movements while the couple will watch over Tzuyu's.

They're determined to find out what really is causing the lovers to betray Shuhua again.


After a long long time, I finally am able to update this book. I am really sorry for not doing it always. I have been busy handling personal issues the past weeks.

Anyways, I hope someone's still reading this book. And I thank you all for being patient and sticking with me.

God bless :)

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