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While eating, they all were having fun. Shuhua also talked to Sana, introducing the girl to everyone.

"you all can come here again next time, we'll have a new pastry coming next week." the girl said.

"oh! sure." Miyeon said, smiling at the girl. She's still thinking when she met the familiar person.

An hour past and they all have to go home.

"see you tomorrow Shu." both Soojin and Tzuyu said at the same time.

Shuhua froze, no idea who to answer first. The rest of their friends stood outside with them, looking at them three.

"see you all tomorrow." she finally says.

And that ended their night together.

'it's just Tzuyu!!!! why is Soojin invading my thoughts as well?!'


Soojin and her friends went home and even from away, they can already here Joy and Yeri bickering about the blood bag.

"that's supposed to be mine!" Yeri says.

"what's yours is mine." Joy answered.

"yeah? so what's yours is also mine?" Yeri asked.

"nope." Joy right away answered.

"that's unfair!" Yeri yelled.

Meanwhile outside.

"those two just fight about whatever." Seungwan stated, shaking her head.

"what's new?" Seulgi said chuckling.

They then entered the house and the two right away jumped for a group hug.

"GROUP HUGGGG!!!!" Joy and Yeri yelled at the same time. Everyone did do it with smiles on their faces.

After settling and catching up a bit, they then started talking about the witch.

"is it really Sana?" Joohyun asked.

"yep. the ring burned on my finger right away as soon as I made a small contact with her hand." Seungwan said.

"so she's helping them because?" Seulgi wondered.

"I honestly feel like I know that girl but I just can't remember well." Soyeon said.

"me too." Miyeon agreed.

"she's Tzuyu's girlfriend." Soojin said that stopped everyone with whatever they're doing.

"her girlfriend?" Miyeon asked.

"Shuhua introduced her to us before as her best friend's girlfriend. Tzuyu used to be her only best friend before." Soojin explained.

"right! and we saw them together before as well!" Miyeon finally remembered, an image of Sana and Tzuyu holding hands passing in front of them, years ago.

"so, they're all planning everything since day 1? like, is it really their goal to betray every Shuhua existing?" Soyeon asked in wonder.

"I don't know. But we have to make sure they won't succeed this time." Soojin said intending to end everything this time.



"are you going to do it or are you just going to vanish without your girlfriend knowing? hmm?" a person with extremely strong aura asked Tzuyu.

After a long silence, Tzuyu slowly nodded with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Shu."

End of flashback


Hi everyone! Sorry I just updated now. I have been so busy with life. Also, this is just a short update with a little backtrack. What do you think is Tzuyu sorry for?

And thank you everyone for still reading this and waiting for me to update. Please stay tuned everyone. :)

God bless.

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