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All of them arrived almost at the same time with Soojin's group being behind for a few seconds.

"what happened?" Tzuyu asks Yuqi.

Both Yuqi and Minnie got confused as to why everyone is there. They remember they only called Soyeon and Miyeon first, so why is the others there too?

And more importantly, why does it seem like they all know something the two of them don't?

"someone took Shuhua." Minnie answered.

"where's Shuhua?!" Soojin yelled as soon as she got out from her car.

She then saw Tzuyu standing in front of Yuqi and so she right away attacked her.

A strong hard push is what only took Soojin to almost send Tzuyu flying away somewhere else.

"what did you do to Shuhua?!!" Soojin yelled.

Her eyes showing a different color, not her usual red ones but instead, it looked something more with a hint of yellow mixed with it, it looked dangerous.

"let her go!" Sana yelled.

The others tried to take Soojin away from Tzuyu.

Meanwhile the two humans seemed really shocked and clueless as to what is really happening in front of them.

"did Soojin just made Tzuyu fly like that?" Yuqi asks.

"how did they end up that far?!" Minnie asks.

"stop it you two!!" Joohyun said. She yelled with authority on her voice.

Being the oldest vampire among all of them, Soojin, despite being mad obeyed her words.

She glared at Tzuyu before releasing her.

Tzuyu cough and fixed herself as Sana came towards her for a hug while crying.

"since when did they two become so close?" Minnie asks

"I don't know. I'm confused as well." Yuqi answers.


Joohyun decided to lead them all inside Shuhua's place. She made the three groups sit in different places.

"move over those chairs." she told Seulgi and so the girl did it.

Now, on her right is Soojin, Soyeon, Miyeon, Seungwan and Seulgi while on her left, there's the two confused humans Minnie and Yuqi. In front of her, there's Sana and Tzuyu.

"let's talk." Joohyun said.

It was silent at first, until Minnie slowly raised her hand.

Everyone looked at her.

"what just happened earlier?" she asked.

"right.. humans." Joohyun says first.

"To sum it all up, Tzuyu and Soojin, they're not in good terms." she added.

"everyone's not in good terms with me." Tzuyu said.

"but why?" Yuqi asked, confused.

"in case you still don't notice.. we're not like you. We're all vampires." Soyeon answers her and she gasped.

"I'm a witch." Sana said, raising her hand.

"yeah, she is." Tzuyu seconded.

"a witch????? how?" Yuqi asks.

"it's a long story. but yeah, I'm a witch, they're vampires, you're both humans and those who got Shuhua are vampires as well." Sana says.

"I am having a hard time processing everything.. this isn't a prank?" Minnie asks.

"I wish it is." Miyeon answers her.

"okay..so, why is Soojin blaming Tzuyu? why are you all not in good terms with her?" Yuqi asks.

Soyeon then explained things to them.

"so..Shuhua does not really love you?" Yuqi asks.

"she doesn't." Tzuyu answered.

"it was just because Sana controlled her thoughts and dreams?" Minnie asked more to herself than to Tzuyu, but nevertheless, the girl nodded her head.

"but why do they need to get her if Soojin's the one they want?" Minnie asks.

"Soojin might not know about it but based on the prophecy, she will become the Queen who will lead all vampires. And the King does not want that to happen." Tzuyu started.

"decades ago, the King ordered to kill you and your family, but you, their main target survived." she added.

"decades after that, they found a new way on how to make you surrender yourself. it's through Shuhua. But they failed."

Sana decided to speak next, "until Shuhua got reincarnated..and we are now here." she said.

"I do not desire to be the Queen. if that's all they're worried about, I don't care about that! They should just let Shuhua go!" Soojin spoke.

"I told them that. But the King won't believe me. Sana and I decided to not be a part of another betrayal, instead we want to save Shuhua. I told Sana to make Shuhua dream of us, of what we really are. Then I confessed to her knowing I'd fail to get her heart..I thought it will slow their plan down but the King's right hand showed herself to me earlier." Tzuyu said.

"Seulgi and I overheard them. Jennie told them to stay away if they want to live and that Soojin should die today." Joohyun said.

"if I give myself in, Shuhua will be safe." Soojin says.

It was silence.

"Tzuyu. Bring me to them." she said and they all were against it.

"you'll give them what they want?" Minnie asks.

"I need Shuhua to be safe." Soojin answered.

"let's plan something first. you can survive. nobody needs to die." Sana says.

"how?" Soojin asks, about to breakdown.


They set on their journey towards the King's place. Plan already formed.

"is there a chance for another vampire to love another human?" Yuqi decided to ask the girl beside her.

Soyeon kept her mouth shut at the girl's question.

"it's a complicated thing Yuqi." Miyeon answered for her instead.

"even when we love someone, they won't be able to stay long with us.. you humans will grow old and die, while we just let the years pass us by." she added.

"then what about Soojin and Shuhua?" it was Minnie who asked the question now.

"Soojin is in love with her. she's willing to spend that short time with her. Soojin is willing to be left out in the future. If Shuhua is willing to still love her despite the truth, then there will be no problem." Miyeon answered.

"so you are all just scared to be left out?" Minnie asked, eyes staring straight at Miyeon.

"who isn't scared to be left out by the one they love the most?" Miyeon asked back.

It was a silent trip after that.

'I am a coward for being scared.' Miyeon thinks to herself.

She then glanced at Soyeon who is also looking at her.

Somehow, they can understand each other.

What they feel for the two humans. It just can't happen.

It's too scary for them.

'sorry Yuqi..but I'm not as strong as Soojin unnie.' Soyeon thinks as she steal a glance at Yuqi.


NOTE: I think the book is about to end!

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