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"Soo." Joohyun calls Soojin from beside her.

"what if things end up the same way it did before?" she asks.

Soojin's gaze changed.

"it won't. I won't let them end her life again." she answers as Joohyun nodded.


They arrived at the King's place. Surprisingly, everyone in there is calm as Hui, the King himself waits for them.

"Hui." Soojin says.

"call me King, Soojin." he says, insisting.

"whatever, King. where's Shuhua?" Soojin asks as he smiled.

"she's safe. do you want her here?" he asks.

Soojin did not answer but it is clear that she does.

"bring the human here!" he says as his men did what he said.

Seconds after, Shuhua came out yelling.

"yah!!!!! let me go! where are you taking me?!!!"

Soojin stares at the girl she loves. She looks unharmed but she looks like she's been crying.

"Shu." she calls and Shuhua right away looked at her direction.

"Jinjin!!" Shuhua yells as she tried to come near the girl.

"wait! stay there human!" Hui says, glaring at Shuhua.

She felt herself scared at his aura again so she agreed. She chose to look at Soojin and the girls friends.

'they're all vampires.'

She tells herself.

"did they do anything to you Shu?" she hears Soojin asks.

"they didn't." she answers, looking straight at Soojin's eyes.

She should be scared. But those red eyes calmed her.

"now, quit the romance. tell me Soojin..will you give your life for her?" King Hui says, cutting their moment off.

"no!" Shuhua yells but Soojin nodded.

He smiled then suddenly laughed before speaking, "now that is romance.. come here Soojin." he says.

"give us Shuhua first and I will then give myself to you." Soojin said.

Hui looked at her. Trying to read her actions.

"okay." he says, "let her go." and right away, Shuhua was released.

She ran towards Soojin.



They hugged each other. Soojin's back facing Hui.

"I'm sorry you had to go through this Shu..I'm sorry." Soojin says, apologizing as she tired to fix a strand of Shuhua's hair, looking at her eyes so dearly.

"I have lots of questions but I will ask them later.. I won't forgive you if you die. So don't die Jinjin." she replied, now crying.

"it has to be done Shu. I'm sorry. I love you." and as soon as Soojin said those words, she felt pain in her chest.

"Soojin!!!" Tzuyu yelled, showing herself from behind the gates.

She ran to where Soojin and Shuhua is.

"King!!!" she yelled as she held Soojin's falling body.

Shuhua stood there, frozen.


Soojin's friends came to her side and tried to aid her.

"Shu, come here." Sana approached her and protected her with some shield. Yuqi and Minnie with them.

"Soojin!" Tzuyu yells, trying to shake Soojin awake.

"Soo!!" Soyeon yells. She can't believe that just happened.

In Shuhua's point of view, she stares at Soojin's body. It looked lifeless. Her tears unable to stop from falling.

Did, did Soojin just die in front of her?

"Jinjin?" she calls in her low voice as she sat down and touched Soojin's body.

King Hui's laughter suddenly echoed through his whole place.

"if I have known it's this easy to kill the Queen.. it wouldn't have taken me decades to do so!" he says as he claps his hand slowly.

"I will always be the King!!" he added as he signalled his men to attack Soojin's friends.

"No!!!!" Shuhua yells as she saw everyone fighting.

"Miyeon!!" Minnie yells when she saw the girl on the ground.

"Soyeon! Behind you!!" Yuqi yells but it's too late.

The barrier Sana provided them vanished when Sana fell to the ground as well.

"Sana!" Tzuyu yells as she tried to fight back even more.

It was a chaos. Shuhua does not know what happened next.

"I love you too Jinjin." she says as she collapses to the ground.


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