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Just as Shuhua settled her thoughts, suddenly Soojin stood and bid her goodbyes.

"I have to go, see you around Shuhua." Soojin smiled at her and she can't help but smile back.

She watched as the girl walk out, sight of her now gone.


"why are you suddenly out unnie?" Soyeon asks Soojin as soon as she saw the girl out from the library.

"let's get out of here." Soojin said as she pulled Soyeon with her.

They met Miyeon out who looked at Soojin in panic.

"you smelled it too." Miyeon said into which Soojin nodded.

Soyeon took her time to figure out what the two are talking about until she starts to catch a scent that's so familiar she hated herself she failed to recognize it.

"let's go home." Soojin said and that they did.

When they arrived home, they all saw a car parked just outside their place.

"they're really here." says Soyeon as they entered the place.

"oh, hello there." a girl with a goddess looking face greeted them, smile sweet yet dangerous.

"Joohyun, what are you doing here?" Soojin asks as she takes her seat.

"I figured we'd help you." Joohyun girl answers back.

"we?" Miyeon curiously asks.

"we because I'm here." a bear looking like girl suddenly showed up from behind them, holding bags of blood.

Soyeon and Miyeon right away hugged the girl as the latter chuckled.

"now, why did I not received such treatment?" Joohyun asks, voice sounding a bit sad.

"oh come on, don't tell me you're jealous just because of that!" another girl's voice say.

"Seungwan unnie!!!!!" Miyeon and Soyeon  like kids who just saw their parents after a long time came running towards her for a hug.

"jeez, still kids." Joohyun said, defeated.

"you're just jealous.. come on, let me give you that hug." bear looking girl says and approached her, she accepted the hug, childlike smile showing.

"I am so done with them acting like newly wed couples." Seungwan said as she sighed.

"come on Seulgi-yah, stay away from unnie now." Seungwan says and Joohyun playfully glared at her.

All the while, Soojin just sat there, looking at them all.

She recalled how Joohyun and Seulgi took care of her when those bad guys attacked and killed everyone in her family. The two who was not even together that time acted like big sisters, protecting and guiding her.

Seungwan, whom she used to see as Seulgi's rival to Joohyun's love also became her friend as years passes.

Together, they all met the youngest vampires Miyeon and Soyeon who were just mere mortals, wounded and almost dead. They all gave them shelter, helped them and treated them as their family members.

It was a perfect picture of a perfect family.

She recalled then falling in love for the first time, it was all so perfect.

Until the bad guys who killed her entire clan found out she's alive. She lost it all like a blink of an eye.

Sure, she still has her family whom she also consider as friends. But she lost the one and only girl she's ever loved. Shuhua.

So she won't do the same mistake. She won't let Shuhua go this time.

With her friends and family helping her and the courage she has, she knows this will end well. It should be.

"I missed you guys." she suddenly said, making everyone looked at her.

"is that really our Soojiniiiieee saying that??????!" Miyeon said and went to mess her hair.

"yahhh!!!" she complained, but everyone knows she's not mad.


"so, you're saying there's not just only rebels but also witches involved in this?" Soyeon asks.

"yes, and they're the ones making Shuhua dream about Tzuyu and her being together.." Seulgi explained.

"we couldn't figure out how they did it but now we already know.." Miyeon said.

"to be able to make her dream that, they have to get closer to Shuhua, make a small bond with her." Joohyun explained.

"so how will we know who this witch Shuhua is befriending with?" Soojin asks.

"we won't.. they look like just normal humans, nothing unusual about them..." Seungwan started.

"unless they tell you that they are indeed a witch." Seungwan continued.

"no other descriptions?" Soojin asks.

"nope." Joohyun answered.

"maybe it's one of her friends." Miyeon suddenly said.

"which of them? both look harmless." Soyeon said.

"well, as they said, nothing is unusual about them, they look like how humans should look like." Miyeon said with a shrug.

"we'll figure that out tomorrow." Seungwan said.

"we're going to attend your school starting tomorrow you know." Seulgi casually said that made Soyeon and Miyeon jumped.

"yes!!! finallyy!!!"


NOTE: there you have it, chapter 6.. I apologize for updating it late, I was so busy with stuffs I had no time to write an update. Thank you to those willing to still read this book and God bless us all :)

Also, I do not know when I'll be able to update next. Thank you.

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