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"thanks for taking the time sending me to my class Shuhua." Soojin said with a smile.

"no problem.. I'll see you around Soojin." Shuhua says with a smile as well before walking back to where they came from.

Soojin's smile immediately left her face.

'you resemble a lot like her, but you're not her.'

She thinks as she went inside her room, finding a place to settle in.


Shuhua entered the room with a smile on her face that Yuqi right away noticed.

"just not over 24 hours ago you were so into Tzuyu and now you're smiling because of someone else." Yuqi said as Shuhua sat beside her.

"huh?" Shuhua asks, confused.

"I saw you talking with one of the new students earlier..do you know her?" Yuqi asks and Shuhua nodded.

"yes, her name's Soojin..we just got acquainted earlier, she asked where room MOO712 is." she explained.

"and you don't know anything else about her?"


"you were smiling when you came in, too weird.. you did the same thing with Tzuyu yesterday so I'm now confused." Yuqi stated and Shuhua chuckled.

"Woogs, you got it all wrong..I was smiling coz I saw Tzuyu on my way back." Shuhua told her.

"oh? you did?" Yuqi asks.

"yep." Shuhua said with her daydream voice.


"Shuhua?" a girl calls for Shuhua, it was a familiar voice so she right away looked back.

"Tzuyu! hi, good morning." she greeted and Tzuyu smiled at her.

"good morning..where are you headed?"

"to my class, I just met a new student..she's lost so I offered to send her to where her class is.. you? where are you headed?" she asks back.

"just before you turn in the corner..can we walk together?" Tzuyu asks her and she immediately nodded with a smile.

"is the sitting with you and your friends' lunch table offer still up?" Tzuyu asks her as they walked together.

"of course.. you'll join us?"

"yep..can I ask for your number so I can ask where you all are seated during lunch?"

With that, Shuhua's smile is more evident than earlier. Tzuyu's basically just asking for her number and a date with her, and her friends...but still.

"sure." she answered as she gave her number.

"this is my room.. gotta get in.. you should go to your room now too." Tzuyu told her and she nodded.


"see you later Shuhua." Tzuyu told her as she watched the girl turn her back at her, going in her room.

End of flashback

"you daydreaming is creeping me out Shu." Yuqi tells her.

"it happens when you're in love..wait 'til you meet your match." Shuhua tells her best friend.

"already did..I just don't know who she is."

However, she missed the response her best friend gave her since their teacher already entered the class and her whole attention was right away directed at her.


"why are we spending time under this tree instead of sitting inside the cafeteria for lunch?" Miyeon asks Soojin.

"she just saw Shuhua meeting Tzuyu for lunch, she can't look at them act all sweet together." Soyeon said, glancing at Soojin.

"that Shuhua is not the same Shuhua from before." Soojin tells them.

"why?" Miyeon asked, confused.

"she's just not used to that Shuhua being all in love with Tzuyu than her." Soyeon said.

"years ago, Shuhua used to be attached to her..this Shuhua now is different and she can't accept it." Soyeon followed.

"well, you can't expect that the same hopeless in love Shuhua who never felt to be loved back by you will get reincarnated this time you know." Miyeon said and Soojin looked at her.

"I did love her." she said.

"but you did not made her feel it." Miyeon voiced out again.

Soojin did not say anything.

She instead vanished and there left Soyeon and Miyeon together.

"Soo still blames herself for that." Soyeon said.

"as she should..Shu's death is caused by her. If only she confessed to her then maybe--" however, she was cut by Soyeon.

"there will be no difference.. Shu will still die..Soojin chose to not let Shu know she feels the same to protect her..but she didn't know protecting her from afar isn't enough..she should be with her, beside her. but now, she's doing it." Soyeon said.

"yeah? why did we stay here then?" Miyeon asks.

"Miyeon unnie.. you said you already moved on from Shu, why are you being like this now?" Soyeon asks.

Miyeon did not say anything at first.

"it does not mean I can't feel pain anymore..I've let go and I lost Shu. The same thing can happen even when I do not love her like that anymore. I'd still feel pain. Shu's already a part of me since day one and you know that." Miyeon told her and silenced then surrounded them.


"Miyeon pabo!" Shuhua yelled from afar, running towards her.

"yah! what?!" Miyeon angrily yelled back, stopping herself from smiling as Shuhua came close to her.

"where's my jinjin?" Shuhua asks her. Her smile right away stopped at that. Of course this is why Shuhua's talking to her.

"yah! where's my jinjin?!" Shuhua repeated the question.

"Yeh Shuhua." they both heard a girl's voice from behind and Shuhua immediately ran to where the voice came from.

Jumping in and was right away caught by the owner of the voice.

"Jinjin-ah!" she can hear the happiness in Shuhua's voice.

"get down or I'll drop you." the cold tone of the girl made Miyeon shake her head.

'tsundere Soojin'

End of flashback


NOTE: A bit of flashback from what they were years ago. And yes, Miyeon used to love Shuhua.

So yeah, that's it for chapter 4 ^^

God bless :)

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