Look At This Godforsaken Mess That You Made Me

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That was the message. Padmé spent all morning deciphering it, flipping through her book like a mad woman.
Why would Obi Wan go through all that trouble to send this to her? He wrote it in a way that ensured that only she would be able to understand it, so it must have been vital information. Padmé thought about her knowledge of Endor. She knew it was a forest planet, but that was about it. Was it where the rebel's base was? Maybe he wanted her to go there?

A knock at the door startled Padmé and she shoved the paper between the pages of a book. She opened the door slightly to be met by a stormtrooper.

"My lady, the Emperor wants to see you." The stormtrooper said. Padmé's breath hitched.
"I will be there soon," she told them, closing the door.
Once alone again, she tore the decoded message up and shoved the pieces to the bottom of the bin. After straightening her clothes, she schooled her face into her Amidala expression and left.


"Ah, Lady Vader. How lovely to see you. Tell me, how are the younglings?" The emperor greeted in a croaky voice.
"They are well, Milord. I understand you wished to speak to me?" She asked in her fake deep voice.
"Oh, yes. I hear that you were attempting to decode that message from the republic. How is that coming along?"
"I am still working on it. It is quite a difficult code." She lied.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't ancient code part of your training as queen all those years ago? I assumed you would find this task simple."
"I did, however the years have made my skills a little rusty. This code goes beyond what I studied." Padmé made an effort to keep her composure as she lied to his face. For a moment, it almost looked like he believed her. But then his wrinkly face turned angrier.

"Lady Vader, I thought we agreed not to lie to each other," he croaked.
"Yes, we did."
"Then let me ask you once more, what was in that message?"
"I told you milord, I don't know."
"Wrong answer, my lady."
Out of no where, Padmé felt her body seize up in pain, nearly sending her to her knees. The emperor laughed joyfully as he electrocuted her.

She couldn't tell if it had been hours or a few seconds, but suddenly it stopped, leaving her coughing and gasping for breath on the floor.
"I expect the answer in the coming days. Now get out of my sight." He hissed.
Padmé pulled herself to her feet, turning shakily towards the exit with clenched teeth.
"Oh, one more thing my lady,"
Padmé hesitantly looked at him over her shoulder as she struggled to stand tall.
"I wouldn't tell Lord Vader about what happened here. I would hate for your children to be in danger."

Padmé bit her tongue, holding in her rage toward the man who just threatened her children.
"Yes, Milord." She hissed. And with shaking legs, she stumbled towards the door with as much grace as she could muster.

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