Sometimes to Run is the Brave Thing

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Padmé fiddled with Luke's coat as she waited. After telling the twins to stay quiet and close to her, she wrapped them in their warm coats and waited.
"Where are we going mommy?" Luke whispered.
"We're going out. I'll tell you in the ship." She said quietly.
"Is daddy coming?" He asked.
Padmé sighed. "No honey, daddy's busy."
Before they could ask more questions, Nova appeared in the doorway.
"It's time, quick, the stormtroopers are patrolling the next hall." She explained, ushering them out the door.
"Remember what I said, stay quiet." Padmé grabbed the twins hands and held them tightly as they moved briskly down the hall. Nova walked a few feet ahead, scouting corners before they turned.
She suddenly held her arm out to stop them, causing Padmé to jolt.
"Stormtrooper," she whispered.
"Only one?" Padmé asked. Nova nodded.
"Here, get them to the ship. I'll be right there,"
"But milady-"
"Go, I can handle this." Padmé hissed. Before Nova could protest, Padmé turned the corner and walked casually down the hall.

"Halt! State your business." The trooper commanded, spotting the hooded figure. Padmé lowered her hood and put on her best glare.
"Excuse me?" She spat. The stormtrooper lowered his blaster, stepping back sheepishly.
"Forgive me, Lady Vader. I did not recognise you."
"Am I allowed to continue my walk?" She kept the anger on her face.
"Of course."
"Thank you. Also, don't allow anyone to enter my quarters, the children are sleeping,"
"Yes, Lady Vader." The trooper hurried off down the hall and she watched him go. As soon as he was gone, she picked up her skirt and ran back in the direction of the docking bay.

Nova waved from the open ramp of one of the ships, holding a hand out to help her climb on.
"We don't have much time, start the ship," Padmé worried. Nova ran off to the pilot seat as the twins came out of a back room, hearing their mother's voice. Padmé quickly guided them to the back of the ship and sat down with them, where they stayed until they were far enough from the base.

She sat beside the small couches and sang softly as the twins fell asleep, running her hand through Luke's hair. They had been on the ship for an hour and it was past their usual bedtime. Once they were fast asleep, Padmé stood and made her way to the pilot's area.

"They're asleep," she said, sitting in the copilot seat.
Nova smiled at her before returning her attention to the controls.
"Nova, why did you help us?" Padmé looked at the young girl like she was a puzzle she needed to solve.
Nova sighed. "I was sent by the republic. Obi Wan Kenobi sensed that you needed aid, and suggested that I become your handmaiden. My job was to wait until you wanted a way out and to protect you and the children."
"Obi Wan sent you?"
"Yes milady, I've been trained as a spy since I was a child. Obi Wan thought you would need help when you decided to leave, and he had a feeling that it would happen soon."
"So where are we going?" Padmé asked, watching the different planets move past the ship window.
"The rebels are constructing a new base, you'll be safe there."
"Oh. Well, thank you Nova. You have no idea how grateful I am,"
"Of course, milady. It's my duty,"
"Padmé," the former senator said.
"I'm sorry?" Nova lifted her eyebrow.
"We're friends. Please, call me Padmé." The two women shared a smile as the ship flew across the galaxy.

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