Who Knows if She Never Showed Up What Could have Been

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Once on the ship, Padmé tried to act like she belonged there. A few rebels glanced at her, but no one stopped to question her. That was until-
"Senator Amidala?"
...Someone had recognised her.
Padmé looked up, a spark of recognition in her eye.
"Rex?" He looked older, with a short grey beard and eyes hardened from war.
"It's nice to see you, milady."
"Please, just Padmé. I don't understand, I thought all the clones were..."
"Ahsoka removed my chip in time." He explained.
"Im glad. It's nice to see a familiar face," she gestured for him to sit on the bench next to her.
"Ahsoka said you had left the empire. How are you adjusting?" He asked, sitting down beside her.
"It's different, of course. But I feel good here, like I'm finally back on the right path."
"We're glad to have you, Padmé. Although, I don't think you ever left. You were providing the rebels with information, right?"
"Well, Obi Wan, yes. But I could have done more. I stood by and watched so many violent acts. I didn't intervene or try to stop them," she looked away.
"I think you don't give yourself enough credit, senator. It's thanks to you that we received vital information. You have done more good than you even know." He said.
"Thank you Rex." She could see why Anakin had confided in him about their marriage. The two looked out the window, realising they had reached the snowy planet.
"Preparing to land!" Ahsoka yelled from the pilot seat.


Padmé wasn't expecting just how cold it was on Hoth when they arrived. She put on a thick bodysuit before she left, grabbing a fur lined poncho last minute to cover her small stomach. Luckily, it was the perfect warmth for the planet's icy climate.

Padmé followed Ahsoka through the snow, not knowing where exactly they were going but deciding to trust her anyway. She wasn't sure how Ahsoka was navigating, because as far as she could see, there was nothing but snow.

Padmé was about to ask what they were looking for when Ahsoka suddenly stopped. "Up ahead! That's where they're keeping him!"
Padmé didn't ask how she knew that, learning a long time ago that there was no point questioning the ways of the force. The group sped up their pace. Padmé's mind wandered back to Anakin, wondering if they would run into him. She had no idea how he would react to seeing her with the enemy. Ahsoka suddenly held out an arm in front of her, stopping her from walking into a wall. Padmé blinked through the snow, wondering how she could have missed it.
"Thank you, Ahsoka."
"Are you sure you're alright to do this?" Ahsoka asked. Padmé looked at her, a look of determination on her face.
"I am. So how are we getting in?"


It had taken a few minutes for the rebels to hack into the security panel outside the door, leaving the rest of them to stand still in the cold, the warmth draining from their bodies as they waited impatiently.

Finally the door opened with the creak of old steel, and one of the rebels stepped inside, blaster raised.
"All clear," he called back a few seconds later. The rest of the group stepped inside and the door slid shut behind them.

Padmé glanced around as she rubbed her arms to get warmer. The shelter was run down, with debris and broken electronics scattered around. It looked like it hadn't been touched in years. There was no windows, but the walls were strong enough to hold out against a blizzard. It appeared to be an old bunker that was abandoned. The perfect place for shady business deals.

"Let's keep moving," Ahsoka said, signalling the group into the next room.
She peeked around a corner and held her arm out to stop the rest of them. Padmé looked too, realising they had found what they were looking for. It was a long hallway, with multiple doors on each side. But only one door was guarded.

Ahsoka gave the rebels a hand signal before she and Rex jumped out, lightsaber and blaster at the ready. The two men were taken down before Padmé blinked.
"Lock them in a cell." Ahsoka said, and a few rebels went to take care of the men. Padmé made her way over to the door just as Ahsoka got it open. The two women stepped into the doorway of the cell and gasped.

There on the ground, was a slumped over, overly thin, weak Obi Wan Kenobi. His beard was overgrown and unkempt, and his robes were ripped. He looked up at the sound of their gasps, recognition in his tired, cloudy eyes.

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