But the Rain's Always Gonna Come If You're Standing with Me

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Padmé sat on the bed, reading through a pile of papers like how she used to prepare for a senate meeting. The doctors had provided her with as much information on Luna's condition that they had, and she was trying to memorise as much as she could. Luckily, her heart rate had become more stable and she could breath on her own. However, she had a life long condition that would need to be monitored. Padmé had spent the past few days learning while her baby was being monitored.
"That's the fourth time you've read that," Ahsoka said as she walked up to her.
"I don't want to forget anything," Padmé said, her eyes still glued to the papers.
"They've almost finished packing supplies for the move. I've never seen this place so empty." Ahsoka said, changing the subject to try and make her focus on something else. It had been decided recently that it would be best for the remaining rebels to move to another base, as this one was getting too cramped.
"That's good." Padmé replied, not seeming too interested.
"Well I just spoke to the doctor, and they've almost finished the last test." Ahsoka smiled. Padmé perked up at this.
"I know. I'm so excited for Luke and Leia to meet her." Padmé finally put the papers down she spotted the doctor carrying her baby.


"She looks weird."
This was the first thing out of Leia's mouth as she looked at her baby sister for the first time. The twins sat on either side of their mother, looking at the baby she held in her arms.
"And tiny," Luke added.
"You two were that small once too," Padmé chuckled.
"Really?" Luke looked like he didn't believe it.
"You were even smaller actually, because there was two of you," Padmé teased.
"So when can I start training her?" Luke asked.
"Why don't we let her learn to walk first?" Padmé chuckled.
"Yeah Luke, she can't even hold her own head up, she can't hold a lightsaber." Leia told him seriously. "Besides, she'll want to train with me."
Luke protested and the twins started bickering. Padmé had a small smile on her face as she savoured the moment with her three children.


"You're not coming?" Mon looked confused.
Padmé nodded. She sat in the hospital bed, the twins asleep on a couch nearby and the baby asleep in a basket that was being used as a cot for her.
"I've been thinking about it since we decided to move, but now that I've given birth and we understand Luna's health better, I'm made up my mind."
"But why?" Bail asked.
Padmé sighed. "The empire found this base because of me. Palpatine sensed where we were and attacked us. If we go with you, they'll find us again and we'll only be putting the next base at risk. Besides, it's not a good place to raise a baby."
"Where will you go?" Obi Wan's asked.
"I'm not sure. Maybe Tatooine? We had relatives there," Padmé furrowed her brow in thought, then shook her head. "It doesn't matter. We'll figure it out."
The others nodded, not agreeing but also not fighting her decision.


Nova helped pack the few things they owned, as well as some rations and medications for Luna.
"Do you wish for me to join you on this trip?" Nova asked as she folded some clothes.
"You've already done so much for my family, and I really do appreciate it, but the rebels need you now." Padmé explained.
Padmé had truly grown to care for Nova, and viewed her as highly as she had all her previous handmaidens.
"Only if you're sure."
"What are you doing?"
The two women turned to see Leia looking at them with suspicion. Padmé took a deep breath and turned to Nova.
"Could you excuse us for a moment?"


Luke and Leia weren't too thrilled about leaving, complaining that they wanted to keep training and didn't want to leave Ahsoka, Nova and the others. Padmé knew that she needed to talk to them before they all left, so she took her opportunity when Luna was asleep in her cot.

"I need to tell you two something about these," she held the two lightsabers in her hands. Although they had briefly used them for training, they did not know the significance of the weapons.
"I've wanted to tell you for a while but I wanted to wait until I thought you were ready." She sighed. "I think you're ready now."
Padmé held out the first lightsaber to Luke. "This one was daddy's. Back when he was a Jedi,"
Luke took the weapon and looked at it with a newfound sense of wonder.
Padmé held the other one out to Leia. "This one belonged to Ahsoka when she was younger."
Leia took the lightsaber, smiling proudly. "I'll take good care of it." She said confidently. Padmé could tell her daughter was secretly geeking out over it after hearing all of Ahsoka's stories.
"Me too! I'll make dad and Uncle Obi proud!" Luke agreed, bouncing excitedly.
"Now, I'm letting you hold onto them, but you need to promise me you'll only use them if you need to." Padmé helped Luke hook the lightsaber onto his waistband then pulled the looser shirt over it. She did the same to Leia.
"We promise." They said together. Padmé smiled as they both crushed her in a hug.


A long piece of fabric was tied over her shoulder, forming a sling where Luna lay against her chest. The baby was snuggled in there, wrapped in a warm blanket and snoozing her little head off.
Padmé had a blaster secured to her thigh, which was concealed by the long blue tunic she wore. The shirt was lose and easy enough to manoeuvre for when she had to feed the baby.

The ship they hired was small, an old trade ship that used to ship supplies during the clone wars. Padmé hoped in was inconspicuous enough not to draw attention.

The goodbyes were hard, but Padmé stayed strong in front of the children.
"You still have the communicator?" Obi Wan asked. Padmé held out her arm, showing the band secured around her wrist.
"I'll contact you if anything happens." She reassured him.
"I know."
With a final goodbye, Padmé went up the ramp of the ship.
Ahsoka called out at the last second, and Padmé turned back to look at her.
"May the force be with you."

Padmé nodded, and with her baby cradled in her arms, she boarded the ship.


They had been flying for an hour. Padmé had already sent the twins to bed and breastfed Luna before she also fell asleep in her sling. Padmé was tired, but she drank a few cups of caff she had brought and stayed awake to pilot the ship. She didn't need to control it too much, as autopilot was doing most of the way to for her, but she was wary about being spotted. They were far away from Endor when she let herself relax slightly.

Padmé was just preparing another cup of caff when suddenly the ship shook.
She cradled Luna protectively as she ran back to the controls too look out the window. To her horror, a tractor beam had grabbed them and was pulling them into a larger ship which she couldn't identify.

"What's happening?" Asked a sleepy Luke as he and Leia appeared in the cockpit.
"I don't know. Keep your weapons hidden," Padmé told them. She checked that her own weapon was secured to her leg as the twins showed her the lightsabers still clipped to their belts under their shirts. The ship stopped and the small family stumbled to stay standing. "Get behind me." Padmé told the twins, aiming her blaster at the slowly opening ramp. All she saw when it opened was a thick fog before  she immediately began to feel dizzy. She cradled the baby to her chest as she fell, her other arm reaching for Luke and Leia. Then everything went black.

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